Division of Science & Technology

we use what works and we will teach you how




Directors Message

At the time when you are reading this message, somebody at the far end of the Atlantic will be working on new trends, tools or concepts allied with the milieu of Knowledge Based Technologies. At present we are fleeting through an era, which is experiencing brisk technological developments. As the Director of Science & Technology Division, I am personally a staunch advocate of the fact that practicing in these technological developments is the need of the day. It is an imperative duty of educational institutions to prepare their students as well as faculty to face the challenges of today’s technology driven knowledge oriented society. In this regard, the Division is fully cognizant of its need to have talented, experienced and qualified resource persons to deliver high quality education and to implement best practices for creating a congenial environment for knowledge creation and sharing.

Our policies and practices on delivery of education, faculty recruitment and students evaluation meet the international standards. Our educational programs provide rigorous professional and personal training to enable graduates to seek employment or undertake post-graduate studies anywhere in the world. The Division is offering state-of-the-art ICT and other educational resources for imparting quality education and conducting innovative research. I am confident that our graduates will find fullest satisfaction in their pursuit of higher education.

Thank you very much for visting our website. I hope you would have found the required information.

Dr. M. A. Pasha




Division of Science & Technology