Terence Ting Leon Seng

Network Engineer


Personal details:

Age : 30

Gender : Male

Nationality : Malaysian

Contact Number : 016-6686195 (H/P)

Availability : 2 months notice

Reason for leaving : Learned most of the products offered by my company and would like to explore new opportunities and challenges in the networking industry.


Job Objective:

To gain employment with a company where my experience and knowledge, especially in the area of Networking and System Administration, can be used effectively.


Personal Attributes:

-  Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

-  Ability to understand complex business requirements, converting to them to actions, implementing in strict timelines.



National University of Malaysia (UKM )

Degrees of Computer Science 2005 (CGPA:3.1 / 4.0 Scale)



Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

Exinda Certified Network Associate (ECNA)

Security and VPN Post Sales-Alcatel-Lucent Brick Firewall LSMS


Expected Salary:

RM5.5K (negotiable)

Primary Business Address

Your Address Line 2

Your Address Line 3

Your Address Line 4

To contact us:

Phone: 555-555-5555

Fax: 555-555-5555

E-mail: [email protected]