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Real Name: Axel Asher
Appearances: DC Vs. Marvel #1-4, Dr Strangefate #1-2, Unlimited Access #1-4, All Access #1-4
When Axel Asher was seven years old, he wandered into his parents' bedroom and found his kid sister playing with his father's gun. He scolded her, grabbed it away, and then heard a loud noise. He was very surprised when he looked down at his pants leg and saw it soaked with his blood. As he collapsed, the gravity of his situation eluded him. Instead he was glaring at his sister for having gotten him into trouble, and she at him for taking away the "toy". Since then Axel has had a slight limp, but he carried the anger and pain within him. It was the most traumatic thing that ever happened to him, until the Brothers appeared in his consciousness, with an emnity that made his sister's and his pale in comparison.
There have been any number of times when Axel has felt the need to move on, to roa, to continue his search for that goal he cannot even name. In the past, it's always been a more subtle feeling.
"Whoa. What'd you do to me?" asked Axel.
"Unleashed what's inside you," the bum replied. "Each of us chooses the guise best suited to who we are. This is mine," he said, indicating his guise as a bum. "That's yours. I told you I'm a shard of the brothers, just like you. I've been the keeper of the gateway between the two universes."
The bum showed Axel a box. "You see it as a box because that's what I want it to be. It might be something different for you, because you're next in the long succession of keepers. My time is almost up. You have to keep up the mantle. You have to become the Access."
After learning that he is the �gatekeeper� responsible for keeping the DC and Marvel Universes separate, Axel Asher is unable to accept the responsibility thrust upon him. Thus, the DC and Marvel Universes begin to cross over and eventually merge into the Amalgam Universe. Access is the only person to remain totally unchanged in the Amalgam Universe, and he remembers that there were once two distinct universes. Doctor Strangefate, the only other being who knows that the Amalgam Universe is not right, unsuccessfully attempts to prevent Access from sepearating the two universes.
After Access escapes from the clutches of Doctor Strangefate, he permanently separates the two universes (with the help of Captain America and Batman), thus bringing the Amalgam Universe to an abrupt end. Access resides in New York City in the Marvel Universe and has the ability to transport to any location and to other dimensions.
In Unlimited Access, Access is told by a future version of himself (Dark Access) that he is immortal and able to travel through time as well. Later, he finds that he also has the power to amalgamate characters from the DC and Marvel universes at will.

Dark Access [none]
Appearance: Unlimited Access
An evil, potential future version of Access under the sway of the DC Universe's Darkseid.
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