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S.H.I.E.L.D. Character List

S.H.I.E.L.D. [Marvel]
Supreme Headquarters, International Espionage Law Enforcement Division.
Super-secret spy organization, headquartered in the Helicarrier. The symbol for SHIELD on everyone's uniforms is a little bat. BRW CLW COF MOW SPB UNL

[Fury] Fury, Nick [Marvel]
High-ranking agent of SHIELD, mentor to Bruce Wayne.
American civilian Nicholas "Nick" Fury, a member of a stunt flying team, was hired in 1940 by the British military to instruct commandos in a crash course on parachuting. This leads to the creation of Company E-Z. (Date based on Marvel Universe counterpart.)
Now retired, Fury still gets involved in the action when situations get out of hand, such as when he was forced to kill Hydra member Deathlok. CLW BAT BRW

Helicarrier [Marvel]
SHIELD's flying HQ. Destroyed by Fin Fang Flame. BRW CLW

[Huntress] Huntress II [Huntress, Batgirl / Huntress (Mockingbird), Black Cat]
AKA: Black cat
Real Name: Barabara Gordon
First Appearance: Detective Fury #359
Information specialist and martial arts expert. She chased down her position in the S.H.I.E.L.D. ranks by carefully making herself everything S.H.I.E.L.D. needed in a special-duties operative. Romantically ivolved with Bruce Wayne, recently accepting his proposal.
There appears to be no connection with the other Huntress (Carol Danvers). BRW

[Bruce Wayne] Wayne, Bruce [Batman / Nick Fury]
Director of SHIELD
First Appearance: Detective Fury #1
Haunted by the assassination by the Skull's agents of his secret agent parents when he was a child, young millionaire Bruce Wayne vowed to make all criminals pay for it. He joined SHIELD, moving quickly up the ranks to eventually displace his mentor, Nick Fury as director.
Bruce has pushed his physical and mental abilities to the limits - making himself the deadliest weapon in S.H.I.E.L.D.�s arsenal. In addition to Wayne�s wealth being funneled into S.H.I.E.L.D. operations, he secretly funds a number of charitable organizations that aid victims of violent crimes.
Bruce Wayne has recently been paralyzed after having his back broken at the hands of the Banisher.
Possible prior romantic involvement with Catsai. Currently engaged to Huntress II. BRW COF MOW UNL

Moonwing I [Nightwing / Moon Knight]
The first Moonwing defected to the criminal organization known as Hydra and is now known as Deathlok.

[Moonwing] Moonwing II [Nightwing / Moon Knight]
Real Name:Dick Grayson
First Appearance: Detective Fury #38
Former freelance adventurer turned special CIA operative, young Grayson caught the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Bruce Wayne. Seeing great potential in the former circus acrobat, Wayne requested he be transferred to S.H.I.E.L.D.
He has a split personality, with the other two being Tim Drake, crimefighter, and Marc Spector, mercenary. BRW

[Sgt Rock] [Sgt Rock] Sergeant Rock [DC]
Former leader of the Howling Commandos, currently a high-ranking agent of SHIELD, and friend to Nick Fury. BRW

[Tony Stark] Stark, Tony [Marvel]
Friend to Bruce Wayne, possibly an agent of SHIELD. Stark was crippled during a battle with Green Skull�s Hydra forces. As a result, he is confined to a support chair. He creates new state-of-the-art instruments for S.H.I.E.L.D. out of his own Stark Labs.
He is currently working on a top secret project that will supposedly enable him to walk again (perhaps an exoskeletonic battle suit). BRW

[Sue Storm] Storm, Susan "Ace" [Ace Morgan / Invisible Woman]
Member of SHIELD and Challengers of the Fantastic. COF SPB

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