

In the beginning, there were two entities, Brothers, although they were also sisters, sexless, and everything in between. They were Yin and Yang, good and evil, the mainyu. They encompass everything, except each other. Each was simply "ME". Once before they came together in battle, unleashing forces that ended and then began all creation over again. In the explosion of death and rebirth, the Brothers were blasted apart. Their shattered essense fractured the new-born universe into a multiverse. Fragments of their essense blew in all directions, and as the universe spread ever outward, so did the Brothers. It took them eons just to remember they had consciousness. They had to think before they could be. And in all that time, theour memory of each other had vanished. But now, due to the recent cosmic-shaking events that tore the fabric of the universe and redefined reality, the Brothers have become aware of each other once more. [Brother]
Once again realizing that each was no longer "me" but "us", they could not exist with their lack of uniqueness. Nor was each one whole, for in their centuries-ago battle, some of each of them wound up in each other's universe. Both of them desired to be "whole" and "unique". But they had learned the futility of a head-to-head struggle.
However, in observing and understanding the existence of their respectine cosmic guardians, the Spectre and the Living Tribunal, they have hit upon a solution. Based upon their beliefs that each of their respective universes is intrinsically superior to the other's, they will pit their respective super-powered beings against each other in a war to end all wars, and end one universe as well. [Brother]
The problem is that some of these champions are so powerful a battle could continue forever with no true conclusion. So the rules are simple: whoever immobilizes the other first, in each instance, wins. (The equivalent in earth wrestling of pinning one's opponent.) The Red Brother represented the Marvel Universe. The Blue Brother represents the DC Universe. Whichever side loses the most matches vanishes forever. Each pair of heroes will be summoned when it is their time to a place of battle and battle they must, for if they refuse, then nothing can stop the Brothers from going to war themselves. If that happens, it means the end of everything.


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