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Crisis #2: ""Time and Time Again"

"The dawn of Man. Anthro crouches, staring over the ridge not far from the village of the Bear people." Anthro is the first Cro-Magnon man, born to Neanderthals. He waits, for a herd of mammoth are coming closer. "Too close and Anthro's father's village will be tramped beneath their powerful legs. Both anxious and frightened, Anthro breathes in deeply, then the young hunter jumps."
He lands on the mammoth leading the stampede. Anthro's father, Ne-ahn, and Anthro's pregnant wife, Embra, are among the villagers watching as Anthro manages at the last moment to divert the beasts. As he shudders thinking about what if Embra gave birth to a daughter, Embra calls out to him. She proclaims him a hero. He looks back at her, and so doesn't see the branch before him. It knocks him down, but as he recovers what he sees nearby is Metropolis in the 30th century. When the villagers find Anthro, the city had vanished. As did the mammoths.
This is the first temporal anomaly. These are not, however, manifestations of the anti-matter wave.

In the 30th century, "bone-weary members of the Legion of Super-Heroes continue their vigilant search" for Dawnstar. It isn't like her to just vanish. It is Chameleon Boy, Phantom Girl, Wildfire, Lightning Lass, and Colossal Boy who are searching, but they are interupted by Braniac 5. He informs them they're immediately needed at the Plaza Square. When they arrive, they find wooly mammoths stampeding there.
The police are about to open fire, their weapons set to kill, when the Legion arrives. Wildfire draws their attention as Reep shape-shifts into a mammoth to lead them toward Colossal Boy. He grows in size and prepares to scoop up the mammoths when they suddenly disappear. "First Dawnstar disappears," Phantom girl says, bewildered, "then mammoths appear and then vanish, too."
They call in to Braniac 5. "Forget the mammoths, and Dawnstar, at least for now. We've got serious problems. My computer detects high-intensity frequency waves .. on the Alpha/Omega scale! There's anti-matter energy moving toward Earth from somewhere I still cannot determine. Enough to destroy not only us - but the universe!"

1985. "Earth-One, and the stately mansion of millionaire Harold J Standish the third. Actually, the mansion which now belongs to Mr. Standish's heirs."
Earth 1's Joker had just killed Mr Standish's heir. He wanted the copyrights to silent comedies to he could colorize them, re-release them, and make roughly $26 million. Batman II comes in, through the window, to capture Joker. (Batman I died some time prior to Crisis.) The Joker is amazed he actually deciphered his clue, but nontheless squirts Batman with a sticky substance through his flower on his jacket. But just as the Joker pulls out "a .45 Caliber mu mom sold to me on her death-bed" Flash II appears out of nowhere.
Batman II sees an image of Flash II and is puzzled. He saw Flash II disappear.
Before the Crisis, Flash II had been accused of murder (Flash #350), but it turned out many events surrounding his trial were being manipulated by two beings from the future. One was Abra Kadabra, who was trying to get Flash found guilty, and the other was Flash's resurrected wife, Iris, who was living in the 25th Century. Ironically, Abra was trying to "cheat destiny", by having Flash abandon the 20th Century, thus avoiding the terrible fate history said awaited him. In the end, Flash actually did make that choice, but Abra was in jail and unable to appreciate it. The issue ended with Flash and his rediscovered wife happily living in the future.
Flash II didn't tell anyone where he disappeared to - or why - which is why Batman II is puzzled. The Joker, now upset that Flash II "has no jurisdiction here" begins to open fire, but Batman II hurls a Batarang at him, knocking the gun away. Batman II then focuses on Flash II. Initially, he thought it was a hologam created by Joker, but Joker would not have known about Iris.

The Monitor explains that the positive matter universe are threatened by the Anti-Monitor, his opposite number from the anti-matter universe. Several people doubt the Monitor's motives, because had spent the past year giving weapons to villains.

The still-unseen enemy attacks and incapacitates the Guardians through the Central Power Battery of the GLC. "What began with you so many centuries ago -- ends with you now!" The Oans were responsible for a great deal of what's happening here.

Superman II was deling with an "totally unexpected" volcano when Batman II urgently summoned him. Remember, natural disasters are the precursor for the anti-matter wave. Batman II wants to talk about Flash II. Pariah appears to request their help, but disappears before he gets the chance.
The Monitor dispatches the heroes and villains to various points in history on Earth-1 and 2 to set up cosmic "tuning forks" which will keep the Anti-Monitor out. They are all sent out.
In the future, most animals here are deadly, intelligent, hunters of men. Kamandi the Last Boy is scaling one of the "tuning forks" when he encounters Superman I. A minion enters and attacks. Presumably the foe dispatched the shadow demons after Harbinger warned him.

Crossover: During Crisis #2:
Batman #389-390.
Green Lantern v2 #194.
The Saga of the Swamp Thing #42.
Swamp Thing v2 #39-41.
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