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A fter the Amalgam Universe is once again split into the separate DC and Marvel universes by Access, the only Amalgam being to survive is Dr. Strangefate. Taking refuge in the subconscious of the Marvel Universe�s Dr. Strange for almost a year, Dr. Strangefate finally emerges is an attmempt to recreate the mainstream Amalgam Universe. With only Marvel�s X-Men and DC�s Justice League of America present, Strangefate�s resources are limited. Nonetheless, he uses what heroes are available to create an army of amalgamated minions, stand-ins that will exist temporarily until the entire Amalgam Universe is restored. Access, with the help of Dr. Strange, is able to stop Dr. Strangefate�s hostile takeover. Afterward, the Amalgam Universe is allowed to exist within Access, independent of the Marvel and DC universes. I n Unlimited Access, Access discovers that he can travel through time as well as between the DC and Marvel universes. After he learns that the street person who first gives him his powers is actually a possible future version of himself, Access is confronted by the combined forces of DC's New Gods and Marvel's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Access amalgamates heroes from the past and present to fight the combined might of Darkseid and Magneto. But a possible future version of himself corrupted by Darkseid's power amalgamates villains from the past and present to counter them.
Bat-X (Batman / Professor X)
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
The most skilled fighter alive, Bat-X is the mentor of Redwing. Impersonated by Kantique.

Bizarre Worlds [various]
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
Transient universes created by the combined energies of Access and Dark Access.

Blobba (Stompa / Blob)
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
The extraordinarily obese Blobba possesses both superhuman strength and the ability to create tremors by stomping her feet.

Brotherhood of Evil Gods (New Gods / Brotherhood of Evil Mutants)
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
A possible future version of Access under the employ of the DC Universe's Darkseid amalgamtes Marvel's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants with DC's New Gods. The roster includes Blobba, Disastermind, Kantique, Red Lash, Sabrebak, Silver-Lance, and Virmin Vundavort. After the villains are defeated, the Brotherhood is unamalgamated.

Cannonflash (Flash / Cannonball)
Appearance: All Access #4
Pseudo-amalgamation created by Doctor Strangefate.

Appearance: Unlimited Access #4 Captain America Jr. (Captain Marvel Jr. / Captain America)
Real Name: Freddy Rogers
A frail and young boy, Freddy Rogers is transformed into the super heroic Captain America Jr. in a burst of energy whenever he shouts the words �Uncle Sam!�. As Captain America Jr., he possesses various superhuman powers including the wisdom of Lincoln, the strategy of Eisenhower, and the trickery of Nixon. He also possesses a powerful sheild to protect him in battle.

Disastermind (Desaad / Mastermind)
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
The coniving Disastermind possesses the mutant ability to generate realistic illusions of people�s deepest fears.

Emerald Eye (Green Lantern [Kyle Rayner] / Cyclops)
Appearance: All Access #4
Pseudo-amalgamation created by Doctor Strangefate.

Green Goliath (Green Lantern [Hal Jordan] / Giant-Man)
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
The gigantic Green Goliath possesses a green power ring which can create almost any object imaginable. Green Goliath is extremely vulnerable to anything yellow, however. Past menaces which he has faced include the Disappearing Living Erasers of Qward. Green Goliath is romatically linked to fellow X-League team mate Wonder Wasp.

Green Phoenix (Martain Manhunter / Phoenix)
Appearance: All Access #4
Pseudo-amalgamation created by Doctor Strangefate.

Icebreaker (Namor / Iceman)
Appearance: All Access #4
Pseudo-amalgamation created by Doctor Strangefate.

Jean Black (Black Canary / Marvel Girl)
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
Jean Black possesses the power of sonic-psionics, allowing her to shatter objects and daze incapacitate opponents with a psiconc scream.

Kantique (Kanto / Mystique)
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
The mistress of death and disguise, the shape-shifting Kantique is a highly skilled assassin. She possesses a parali-net to ensnare and paralyze her foes.

Le Bat (Batman / Jubilee)
Appearance: All Access #4
Pseudo-amalgamation created by Doctor Strangefate.

Quick Freeze (Impulse / Iceman)
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
The cocky and impulsive Quick Freeze possesses both tremendous superhuman speed and the mutant ability to manipulate ice. His body is encased in a layer of ice.

Red Lash (Lashina / Scarlet Witch)
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
Red Lash possesses mystical control over sorcerous bands which eminate from her costume and entangle her opponents.

Redwing (Robin [Tim Drake] / Angel [Warren Worthington III])
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
Known as the �Avenging Wonder�, Redwing was trained by none other than Bat-X. With red, feathered wings sprouting from his back, Redwing takes to the skies to battle the forces of evil. His belt contains an assortment of supplies, such as canisters of acid-spray, to assist him in dangerous situations.

Sabrebak (Kalibak / Sabretooth)
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
Sabrebak possesses superhuman strength, powerful claws, and a feral fighting instinct.

Silver-Lance (Devilance the Pursuer / Quicksilver)
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
The arrogant Silver-Lance possesses tremendous superhuman speed and weilds a deadly silver lance to slay his foes.

Supermutant (Superman / Bishop)
Appearance: All Access #4
Pseudo-amalgamation created by Doctor Strangefate.

Thor-El (Superman / Thor)
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
The mighty Thor-El possesses the energy mallet of the Kryptonian thunder god. He possesses both superhuman strength and the ability to project energy blasts from the mallet. Made up entirely of energy, his only weakness is to the substance known as Nornonite. He is familiar with the mysterious Valhalla Zone, where criminals are sent into exile.

X-League (JLA / X-Men, Avengers)
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
Heroes Access amalgamated to battle the forces of Darkseid and Magneto. The roster includes Captain America Jr., Green Goliath, Jean Black, Quick Freeze, Red Wing, Thor-El, and Wonder Wasp. Afterwards, Access undoes these temporary amalgamations.

Virmin Vundavort (Virmin Vundabar / Toad)
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
Possessor of amphibious mastery, Virmin Vundavort possesses a deadly Volt-Gun to vanquish his opponents.

Wonder Wasp (Wonder Girl / Wasp)
Appearance: Unlimited Access #4
Although the diminutive Wonder Wasp is only inches tall, she possesses many extrordinary abililities. Not only do her insect wings enable her to fly, but she is able to shoot energy blasts from her hands and she possesses superhuman strength. Wonder Wasp is romantically involved with fellow X-League member Green Goliath.

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