Cheesy Radishes

WHO STOLE THE KESHKA?!?!?!? i dunno, it wasnt me ::hides the keshka behind back:: WELL I NEED TO FIND THE KESHKA!!! that guy has it ::points at Vash:: THAT DAMN BASTARD!! BUT YOU SAID MATLOCK WAS GONNA BRING HIS JALOPY CAARRR!!!! whats a doorknob? WHERES RANDOR?!?! Hello my name is randor i live in da backseat of da car. I CANT LIVE WITHOUT MATL--WE DONT CARE ABOUT MATLOCK!! SHUT YOUR FACES EVERYONE! IM TRYING TO TELL A STORY!! jeeeesh, well oneday i was walking down the road and my eyes fell off and my hair grew really long, so it dragged, i walked into a pole and fell on the dusty DOSTY ground, but the pole pissed on me after that. Then i ran after the tumble weed 'cause i wanted to add it to my collection, but i was sucked into the gates of hell and CHEIF POHOTAN was there but then i was attacked by Satan's talking hell hounds and they said i was tresspassing on government property, and i was like GOVERNMENT IS THE DEVIL and they were like WE KNOW AND HES IN THERE READY TO FEAST UPON YOUR IDEA'S! and then i was like AH AHH AHHH!!! because Xena the Warrior Princess walked out wearing a pink tutu and i ran away because i was scarred for life, so i was back at earth then it was attack of the killer evil semi colons and i ate some pi and Deanna kicked me in the shin and i was like OW MY ARM i mean SHIN and she laughed at me as she got pulled into a gaping whole in time, so then there was no gravity so we tied houses and stuff to trees and i was tied to a tree as i was trying to take ivory for a walk but then she ate my arms and i went downtown toronto to discover that the world was being swallowed into a blackwhole the size of carla so then i had to be heroic so i hopped in my trusty time machine and went back in time and made it so there was no wars and such then i came back to the present and then i commanded that everyone must give me food and money and they must bow down to me and that i could get all the cheesey radishes that i wanted but that reminds me, when i went back in time, i saw deanna planting raddishes in a field with Comandor Chakotay and the Doctor but i had no time. but that was in the past, this is the present, so, after all i did we still got sucked into the blackhole because i didnt even try to prevent it, so then i hopped back in my trusty time machine and sucked my thumb, hoping we wouldnt die, so i could go on being loved and worshipped and i could get all the cheesy raddishes i wanted, and then the McDonald BIG MCBUM came and attacked me and i was like AHHH THIS MCBUM!! GET IT OFF but by then the McBum had already stole all my money because its McDonalds was all budgetty and i was like HEEY I WANT A REFUND and then i was starred at for a long while, then this prehistoric dinosaur ate my brother, [james] but i didnt care because he was being noisy in the pool, but then the speaker licked an armpit and then HARRY AND LLOYD were there and then SEYMOR BUTTS came over cuz he wanted to see more butts, but then i slapped his ass and sent him home. and then the world exploded but i lived because im magic....and your not..the end. 1