i was walking to the road when i saw a turtle hit my car, i ran over and it wasnt a turtle
it was a fridge, so i chellenged it to a battle of the fridge's cuz we had a garbage fridge and
oven at the end of the lawn for the garbage men, and the fridge's door was busted off, and the
freezers was too, so, yeah the fridge door was heavy, so i tied it to my front somehow, the
freezer door i tied on my back, and i took the metal bars from inside the fridge and used them as
swords or something, anyways, i was just about ready to fight with all my fidge-y armor, i
decided to put some on my head, you know, JUST INCASE, so i took the top big burner from the oven
and tied it on top of my head, so i was ready, thats when a crowd of Firingy came running over
and they were cheering us on, i was pissed off at the firingy for sexually harrising my spaghetti
the night before, even tho i dont like spaghetti, so anyways me and the fridge battled, and then
i won, well, the fridge had a heart attack, since it was really old, so then i chased the firingy
up and down the hallway over here, then i was thrown in jail for waking the sleeping, cuz it was
2 in the morning, so then after my sister bailed me out we went to tim hortans and found a bag of
old doughnuts by the drive thru, no one was there so i went and took the doughnuts, and then ran
then my maw and my sis and me were driving around, the doughnuts were stale and there was ants in
the bag, so we decided to dispose of them, i was in the front seat, i took this long doughnut and
whipped it at the guy sitting on the side of the road as i yelled "WANT A DOUGHNUT??!?!?!" then i
did the same thing with another guy walking down the side of the road, and then there were no
other people to throw them at so i just threw them on top of cars and such, then i went home, but
a few months or something, before that i was at school, waiting for my mom to pick me up, with my
friend, we were standing there, when these old guys, welll...they were around 18 or 19, yeah like
i said, OLD guys, walked by, with a flat cardboard box with doughnuts on it, they were throwing
doughnuts at people, i was one of those people, they threw it said "Hey, you want a doughnut?!"
it landed by my foot, i looked down at it, and up at them walking down the roa more "NO!!" i
yelled as i stepped on it and smashed it, it was pretty hard, the end.

the tim hortans throwing doughnuts thing really happend and getting the
doughnut thrown at me really happend too, and me and my sister had battle of the fridge's..yup. 1