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Full Name : Mei Mei Suyoshi (before she dies)
Age : 16
Height : 5'5"
Race : Linuxean
Job : N/A she just mooches offa Naoki, or she steals to get her cash.
Dream Job : NONE she doesn't think about things like that
Hates : Mei Mei Really despises her mother and her grandparents, she also hates flubber, and expenive booze. She hates captain winky with a passion because he wouldn't sell her booze, she hates the police for arresting her when she got drunk and started a protest outside a public port-o-let. She hates crappy rappers mostly shaggy, because he is old and stupid. Mei Mei hates doing things that make her have to things and she hates country music along with nosy people. AND just EMINEM in general.
Likes : Mei Mei LOVES chinese food, booze and animals  (i know shes only 16 and she can't Drink legally but still who actually cares?) she also likes loud music, any music but country
Good Quailities : Mei Mei is a very good friend, she would take a bullet for any of them, Mei Mei also can use magic (and is quite good)  but she tries to use it as little as possible. She's uhh very....interesting
Not So Good Quailities : Mei Mei has a habit of getting drunk and being surly, shes often very noisy and has a problem with eating pens
But Mei Mei seems to be cute and queit but she isn't Mei Mei Likes to scream and swear at people she doesn't know she also doesn't think about how her actions can get her into shit.
Favourite (their theme) song : Aikawa Nanase - Bitch or Aikawa Nanase - yumemiru shoujo ja irarenai (i couldn't decide) oh download them if you've never heard of them.


Full Name : Naoki Fumishi
Age : 18
Height : 6'0"
Race : Human
Job : just got fired from Zarbon's Liquor hole
Dream Job : A singer
Hates : She really REALLY HATES her boss and she hates to fight, she hates when Mei Mei gets drunk and get arrested (she mostly hates having to pay for bale) 
Likes : Naoki Likes to paint and laugh at Mei Mei when she is drunk and making an ass of herself, she loves trance music and techno, she likes going clubbing, even though she acts mellow, she likes to party
Good Quailities : She is also good with magic, and is a good singer, 
Not So Good Quailities: Naoki often whines about how Mei Mei swears alot, and she uses her magic to preform simple tasks, hey thats what you get for being best friends with a weird-ass person like Mei Mei.
Favourite (their theme) song : Castles in the sky - Avalon mix
Full Name : Neokushi Fumishi
Age : 13
Height : 5'2"
Race : Human (you dolt)
Job : N/A
Dream Job : Wants to work a Zarbon's Liquor Hole
Hates : 
Likes : 
Good Qualites : 
Not so Good Qualities :
Favourite (their theme) song : Kimi Ga Daisuki - from Dirty Pair Flash

(wings not shown hair out of date and her clothes too)
Full Name : Koshi
Age : unknown
Height : Around 10 cm
Race : some sort of faerie that gets alot of sun ::thinks:: I KNOW!! A SUN-FAERIE!!
Job : unknown
Dream Job : some sort of a doctor
Hates : 
Likes :
Good Qualities : 
Not So Good Qualities : 
Favourite (their theme) song : Megumi Hayashibara - Midnight blue

(hair also out of date)
Full Name : Nyku [pronouced Nye-Koo]
Age : 17
Height : 6'2"
Race :
Job :
Dream Job : 
Hates :
Likes :
Good Qualities :
Not So Good Qualities :
Favourite (their theme) song : 
Full Name : 
Age :
Height :
Race :
Job :
Dream Job : 
Hates :
Likes :
Good Qualities :
Not So Good Qualities :
Favourite (their theme) song : 
ayako Full Name : 
Age :
Height :
Race :
Job :
Dream Job : 
Hates :
Likes :
Good Qualities :
Not So Good Qualities :
Favourite (their theme) song : 
miko Full Name : 
Age :
Height :
Race :
Job :
Dream Job : 
Hates :
Likes :
Good Qualities :
Not So Good Qualities :
Favourite (their theme) song : 
mei mei II Full Name : 
Age :
Height :
Race :
Job :
Dream Job : 
Hates :
Likes :
Good Qualities :
Not So Good Qualities :
Favourite (their theme) song : 
neokushi (second variation) Full Name : 
Age :
Height :
Race :
Job :
Dream Job : 
Hates :
Likes :
Good Qualities :
Not So Good Qualities :
Favourite (their theme) song : 


you worked too hard, you ate to much, the cheesecake made you greedy, but your aching head and stomach hear this message from ol' speedy ..ALKA SELZTER..plop..plop..fizz..fizz.. OH WHAT A RELEIF IT IS!! ..plop..plop..fizz.. fizz.. OH what a releif it is! Ahh those speedy alka seltzer bubbles burst into action to releive your upset stomach and your aching head fast, use only as directed...


Full Name : Buhchuck Bindijubaulamurduterduhtdyrunder [yay the right spellidgeness]
age : I dunno but he looks like he is in his mid 30's
height :he is 6'1", 12'0" inculding his turban
Race : umm uhhh pakistan I think
Hates : well Buhchuck doesn't hate really anything
Likes : Buhchuck likes Flowers and Music and White girls Named Debbie too,and soap operas and he likes the water and he likes dogs and he likes cats and he likes to sit under trees and read and well  Mr. Buhchuck here can't read though he thinks that the letters are supposed to inspire you so you can make up your own story and buhchuck likes you and me and he likes to watch the birds and he likes to play sports and he likes to yell at ducks that are in the water until they fly away buhchuck likes pizza and pop and he likes cars and he likes the stars, he likes to swim and he likes to yamm stuff and he EVEN likes Dave,  well you see Buhchuck likes basicly everything
Good Quailities : his tassel that hangs from his turban is special if he pulls it his turban explodes
Not So Good Quailities : uhh he really is gross looking and he likes to run around town in his thong and he yells at little kids and scares them and he finds it funny to scream at people for no reason at all (man buhchuck is FUNNY!) 
-funnyness about Buhchuck- well buhchuck is special I made him and lisa redesigned his look, all the fat from the things that Buhchuck eats goes to his stomach and his legs.
this is Salman (don't ask)