There was Reptile, looking for a gun to kill Scorpion. There was no way of fighting him, so I had to kill him. “Would you like to buy a hand gun, a pistol, a shotgun, a rifle, a bow-an-arrow. “Do you have any with a secret knife at the bottom?” “Hmmm, I’ll have to go check back in the storage for the real deadly guns.” As I waited for the man to find a gun I looked around and someone walked in. “Where’s the store clerk?” he asked. “He’s in the storage room.” He went to the back of the desk and opened the cash register and stole the money. He faced a gun to my face and said “Don’t you say a word” And walked out. “Well I found a Famas (it’s an assault rifle) a Socom, PSG-1 (it’s a sniper rifle) a Stinger, and a Nikita. “What’s the most expensive gun you have? Reptile asked. “The Stinger.” “Is that the best 1?” “Well you can shoot up high and stuff the Nikita is also good.” “I’ll take the Stinger. How much is it? “700 thousand every 8 months.” Oh okay. “It comes with missiles.” The clerk opened his cash register and yelled, “Put your hands up!” “What did I do?” “Don’t you move a muscle.” He raised the shotgun to my head and patted all around me. “Where’s the money?” “What money?” “The one in the freaking cash register! I know you have it.” “I don’t have nothing I swear.” “Let me check your vehicle.” “What?” “I said let me check your freaking vehicle.” “No and I ran with the gun in my hand and jumped in my truck and drove off. I knew I had to hurry to get that Reptile before sundown. Or he would of hurt someone. ‘ERRRR’ A car had made that sound as it slid in front of me. “Help!” It was Raiden. “Scorpions got Sonia.” “Where are they now?” “The New York fair.” “Hmm, I don’t know where that is.” “Follow me.” “Ahhhh it’s Reptile and Raiden.” All the people yelled. There was Scorpion going in the tallest building in New York. “Help me! Reptile, Raiden, Reiko!” “Huh? Reiko?” “You guys I’m in here come and help me get Sonia.” We ran to the nearest elevator while people were chasing us. A little old man came on the elevator with a…(dunno what its called) A WALKING THING! “Who are you? The little old man asked. You don’t look human. Ahhhhh monster the little old man yelled while holding his walking mover in the air shouting I’m innocent I tells you INNOCENT!” We all looked at each other thinking that guys nuts. And the elevator closed. “Hmm umm Reptile what floor?” “What does this building go up 2?” “78.” “That’s pretty high, yeah go to 78.” “Umm Reptile I never told you this before but I’m a little afraid of heights can I please get off?” “Awe the baby wants to get off, well too bad.” “Noooooo.” “Huh? How come it’s stopping at floor 54?” “AHHHHHH.” “Oh no not more people.” “Just push them out of the way.” “Close the door!” “Wait!” “It’s Kai.” “Lets get there quick!” “Hey you stupid loons I’m right here. And so are Lou Kang, Tanya, Sub Zero, Johnny Cage, Jax and all my team. Try to get past them. Muhahahahahahahhahahaha!” “Kai, you fight them.” “I got my special Stinger.” <BOOM> “Now that we have defeated them we STILL haven’t got Sonia.” “Muhahahahahahaha, I’m over here boys, come and get me.” “Yuck, she’s nakie!”~~Nacho Nacho man I want to be a nacho man, nacho I want to me a nacho.~~ “Where’s that music coming from?” “Gross, Kai’s getting attracted to her.” “KAI NOOO IT’S A TRICK!” “USE A CONDOM BOY, A CONDOM!” “Shuttup Raiden.” “Sorry I couldn’t resist.” “Hahahaha you’re a loser.” “Why you little. ::Raiden starts choking Reptile.:: okokokokokok sorry. {WHATS THE DEAL WITH THIS? CAN WE GET BACK TO THE STORY!?} Sorry we got a little carried away. “AHHHH!” “What? What is it?” Reptile asked. “That’s a sound of a girl screaming.” Laughed Raiden. “No you imbecile, now that was Scorpion disguised as Sonia, now he has Kai and Sonia damnit.” “Sheesh no need to get all pushy. Learn to wake up on the right side of the bed.” “Shut your pie-hole boy!” “People get horny you know.” “No duh!”  While Reptile and Kai were fighting for no dumb-ass reason their just dumbbells Sonia was about to get thrown off the roof. “Damnit boys would you pay more attention to what’s happening right now? ”Said Scorpion “Oh yeah, right.” “Give me your hand.” Said Reptile. “Why?” Asked Raiden. “Just give me your stupid hand.” “Au tie Au tie oo Au tie oo tie oo, we have the power.” “We have the power”! Yelled Raiden. “Shuttup.” “Ok Sorry.” “We have the power of…” “ZOLTHAN!” yelled Raiden. “If you don’t shut your mouth there aint going to be a Raiden.” “Wha? Oh, I get it.” “YEAH!” “Now look where are they?” “It’s your fault.” “No its your fault.” “Yours!” “NO YOURS!” “YOURS YOURS YOURS YOURS YOURS YOURS YOURS YOURS YOURS YOURS YOURS YOURS YOURS YOURS YOURS YOURS YOURS YOURS. Haw beat that.” As They were fighting again Scorpion flew to his headquarters and tied them both up. “Why are you doing this? What did we do to you?” Kai said. “I just want the money and a little battle that’s all.” “Oh well that can be arranged J” “No you fool with Reptile, Reiko and Raiden dead.” “I think your going a little too far.” “Don’t mess with me boy.” “I wasn’t messing with you I was just correcting you.” “Well don’t do that either thank you very much.” “Oh your welcome. ~~SLAP~~ Maybe if you’d shut up then you wouldn’t get slapped.” “Oh that could be arranged 2.” “Nothing is getting arranged. What’s taking them so long?” “Were here. Now give us back Sonia and Kai.” “Give me the Jewel.” “Give him the jewel.” Sonia yelled. “1 fight and if you win you get Sonia, Kai and the Jewel.” Said Scorpion. “That’s a good deal.” Said Kai. “YUH.” Kai looked down as if he was being insulted. “We have to make it a fair battle 5 people max.” “Untie Sonia and Kai and I’ll get Sub Zero, Lou Kang, Me, Johnny Cage and Tanya. “Woah those are pretty tuff guys.” Said Kai. “Is that a deal?” “Umm, Yeah.” “Okay bring it on.” “Sonia you handle Tanya.” “Okay.” “Raiden you go after Sub Zero.” “Kai, you go after Lou Kang.” “Which 1 is Lou Kang?” “Reiko beat up Johnny Cage.” “ And I’ll handle Scorpion. Come here Scorpion.” “Why don’t you make me?”

The battle had ended and that was all Reptiles team won of course and they were all rich what a happy bunch of people. Raiden still fought with Reptile and they all turned out shitty.
That’s the end of this special day, and merry Christmas. “Merry Christmas? What the hell are you talking about?” “Hey idiot it’s my story I made it up you didn’t. “Idiot who you calling a idiot?” “You.” “Who me?” “Yes you. You wouldn’t of been in this story if it wasn’t for me.” “Who would want to be in your gay ass stories anyway all they do is…” “WHAT!?” ~~Starts Choking~~

The ASSIE end 1