**My Life In Nam**
i dont have a mind i lost it when i was in nam NO! NOT THE FLASH BACK OF WHEN I WAS IN NAM!!!!!!!
there i was standing there without legs then my buddy, his name was ball
came over and was like
and i was like i have no legs
so hes like "well then im leaving you"
and im like
and hes like
"my name is georgia"
then i laughed and i fell onna mine and exploded and when i woke up i was inna hospital
then theyt sent me home i got lost in the travels cuz i realy did have legs i just didnt know it
and then i was mad crazy type mad so i burnt down the hospital so i could kill georgia
he had the name of a state he lied and told me his name was ball
he was a real bastard i decided to kill him and then i was arrested so i spent 6 and a half years in jail
and then my cell mate was listening to a walkman on the metal shitter and he got fried
yes it was a he they only had a male jail i was the only woman in nam YES I WAS
but then 6 and a half years passed so i was released
and then georgia was still alive, cuz he wasnt in the hospital so i kicked him in the balls so he cried mommy! and i laughed at him
and he was gonna shoot me in the eye, but he lost his arms in battle when i was in jail
and he said i grew some nice boobs so i slapped his ass and threw him out the window of the plane
then he died then i went home and then i was walking around and then i hit a button and the car exploded....my chesterfield was in this car...so i screamed CHESTER cuz thats what its name was
then my eyes rolled away so i chased them and then i was hit by a bus
but that didnt stop me i was still running and then a truck ran me over
but i quickly got up then there was a train
so i was like
"if only i was a man...." cuz if i was a man i would have pissed on the passing train
then i went around town with a crow bar beating ppl
then i kicked some guys ass and he kicked me in the ass
so i stabbed him with my trusty man knife
i had a man knife cuz i act just like a slobby man, but hey, arent all men slobby? yes. so anyways, he died
and they arrested me again only this time i swore i wasnt gonne stay in jail for 7 years
cuz thats what i was sentenced to and so i decided i was gonna break out
and after getting a plan of escape which took about 5 and a half months
and the tools needed to have this task successful i kicked the guard in the nads and stole the keys cuz he fell and then i shot him and stole his clothes, and i acted like i was him
no one noticed cuz they are all dumb and then it was the guys time to leave
so i went home no one noticed that i was gone
cuz they are all dumb and then i had to fun away cuz i was speedong and the cops realized i was the woman who escaped so they chased me, then i was around the grand canyon wherever that is,
and i had no brakes, so i drove off the edge and that brings us to the tragic ending of my life in nam... 1