The Sentence Story

I'm gonna write a big long sentence that has no point, i repeat,
no point. well here i go. one day the cow jumped over the lamp shade
and the lamp shade got scared and it humped the wall that always wants
to hump me but i say no, so it humps the other wall, and the other wall
gets unhappy, then the unhappy wall wants to hump Katrina but Katrina
doesn't like the unhappy wall so she walks off and the wall is even
more depressed so it humps the desk then the desk is like ugh so the
desk walks into the door ten times saying "move get out move get out
you big mcbum mcbum mcbum mcbum mcbum . . . . ." oh yeh shit i fergot
the a and then ben comes and wants to hump Deanna and deanna is
discusted by this act of wanting to hump so she kicks him in the
nads, then he falls over saying "that . . . . really . . . . hurts"
and then the stuff flies and the ice cream falls on mother's head, then
she calls Katrina's mother and she's like "ahh there's ice cream on my
head" and Katrina's mother is like "OH MY GOD!! I HAVE TO SAVE YOU
ANNA!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . I LEFT THE PANCAKES IN THE OVEN" since
when do you cook pancakes in the oven, i spelled skull with a c in the
love of freakin' MIKE by the way why is it for the love of mike why not
joe or bob or ben or kaoru for the love of freakin' milliardo deanna
loves Wufei and I don't Katrina loves Marshall and Dru, and i don't
and I love milliardo and another person that will remain nameless,
although D probably knows who I'm talking about nut i meant to say but
if she doesn't I'm not gonna tell her but I"d call her an ass if she
didn't know who I'm talking about, well since i'm done talking about
him i shall talk about something else in this extremely long sentence
of mine well i pee freely by BOB is here who is bob i dont know but he
is here so get used to him 1