When things go wrong
    I put my hand up to my head about to scratch it when..DUN DUN DUN a lightening bolt struck.....the CN Tower collapsing it onto......my head
"OUCH YOU BITCH" i exclaimed as i slapped its ass, then it started to cry
"BOOHOOHOHOOOOHHHOOOO YOUR MEAN I HATE YOU!!" it said to the lightening bolt  as it slapped its own ass "YOU DILWEED" the lightening bolt said as it struck again
"YOU ....... BOOB" said the CN Tower...and i was stuck all in the middle of this, then a blinding light came from above and god spoke to the people
"YOU ARE SO QUIET." God said, but the people [I.E. me, the lightening bolt and the CN Tower] didn't understand and god couldn't hear them...errr us....
"WHY ARE YOU SO QUIET?!" god continued
"GOD HAS PROBLEMS!!!" i screamed loud enough for him to hear, then he pissed his pants and started to cry
"FOR THE EXTRA OOH LA LA! OPPS!!" piccolo screamed into my ear as i slapped his ass
"YOU ASS YOU ASS" i said while slapping his ass his ass (it IS meant to be doubled), then he started to cry and kicked me in the ....... ear lobe, then i was like "IS IT A PICKLE?!" expecting him to answer, but he didn't so then i was like "ANSWER ME ANSWER ME ANSSSSWSWWWWEEERRR MMEEEE!!!!!!!!" but he still didn't answer me, that's when i got out the big guns, i slapped his ass with a stick
"OWWIE MY ASS IS GETTING BITCH SLAPPED" he screamed then he fell apart
"OH NO PICKLE HEAD!!" i screamed pointing at the little pickle man that comes on the pickle jars, then a paper airplane hit me in the forehead
"........" i stood there silently, then the CN Tower said
"What is it?" and i was like
"OWW!!!!!!!!!!!!" as i looked at him "heheh slow reflexes."  then i picked up the paper airplane and opened it, it said in big bold red letters
"what the HELLLL is a LEAFLET!?!?!? is it a pickle?" then vegeta walked by
"roof roof roof roof roof rooof roof rooof" he repeated, then he looked up and saw a roof "what the HELL is that?" he questioned the roof
"i don't know, is it a pickle?" i said to him staring at a pickle jar. i climbed up the house to the roof and held the pickle jar beside it and screamed into the roofs face ".....IS IT A PICKLE?!!!!" the roof was all wet from the slobber that came outta my mouth
"ewwEWWWWWWW DROOOOOOOOOOL!!!" the roof screamed girly-like then i got pissed and i started slapping its ass then i lost my grip and fell onto the ground actually it was Duo's head, but hey, Duo's head LOOKS like the ground, ANYONE could get them mixed up, any ways...
"..ow my bleedin' groin.." duo said laying there in pain and agony. Me, the broken piccolo, The CN Tower and Vegeta stared at him.
"d-d..d-did i say groin? i meant HEAD! hehehe" he said nervously as he started to sweat then he rolled over and there was a DUN DUN DUN!! big assed stump sticking outta the ground "THAT STUMP SEXUALLY HARASSED ME!!" he screamed standing up and pointing at the stump very vigorously. we all stood [and sat] there staring. "HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! IT DIDDDD!!!!!" we were still silent. Then i finally got up and walked over to him.
"duo...." i said as i put my hand on his shoulder "we believe that that mean old big ugly stump sexually harassed  you..." i continued as i winked at the guys, then imitating ANDY RUDE LUBE i screamed "PUH-HUY-IT!!!" then i fell to the ground laughing and rolling and laughing and rolling then i hit my head on the big ugly stump, then i was knocked out.

    When i woke up we were all in that house "AHH WHERE THE HELL AM I?!" i screamed kicking the table where the tea cups and tea pot and tea plates were, a lot of it spilt, then i looked around and saw that Duo was wearing a pink frilly dress and piccolo was taped back together and was wearing a purple frilly dress and vegeta was wearing a baby blue frilly dress with lots of bows He looked so sad.
"They made me do it!! THEY MADE ME!! I WAS FORCED AGAINST MY WILL!! THEY MADE MEE--" Vegeta screamed but he was cut off by the CN Tower slapping his ass so Vegeta sat on the floor beside the couch and started whining and whimpering. i stood up, all confused then the door slammed open and wufei came in.
"what? how did i get here? i thoug--" wufei was cut off by a brick falling on his head. "oo that'll leave a mark.." he said rubbing his head he sat on the floor when duo got this crazy look in his eye.
"hmm?" wufei looked at duo.
"NOO NOT THE LOOK! ANYTHING BUT THE LOOK!!!!!" i screamed pointing at Duo and his crazy look, he smashed the channel changer into my face knocking me on the ground and he stole Wufei
"AH--" was all wufei could say before they were in the bedroom.....alone.....::shudders:: anyway i was stuck in the room with the CN Tower that somehow fit into a house, a taped up broken piccolo in a purple FRILLY FREAKIN' GOWN and a sulking Vegeta.
"so..." i said slowly as i tried to strike up a conversation but i kept getting interrupted by strange and sudden noises sudden noises coming from the bedroom
"NOOOOOoOOooOOoooOoO!!" we heard through the muffled wall...
"im not even gonna ask" i said
"i bet duo is making a frankinstein version out of wufei...or something" vegeta said scarily
"pro...bab...ly.... no...t..." piccolo managed to say
"D'YOU WANNA FIGHT?!?!?" Vegeta screamed and stood up pointing at piccolo as his baby blue dress blew in the wind that was coming from my mouth hoping it would go up really high, then vegeta kick me in the shin
"OWW!!" i screamed as i started to fall down the steps "oh shit" i said as i fell down the steps
"YOU KILLED HER!!" the CN Tower screamed while somehow pointed down the stairs
"....opps" vegeta said as more
"AHHH!! NOOO! NOT THAT!!! HEY STAY WAY FROM ME!! NO!! DON'T DO THAT!! GET AWAY FROM THERE!!AHHNOOO!!!" sounds came from the bedroom. and i was all ughgughgughbging about how i got kicked down the stairs then i gave vegeta the evil glare and then piccolo fell apart again and you could see by his one eye that he was crying....and dying..
"piccolo? piccolo....PICCOLO!!!!!" someone screamed from outside of the house "ITS PICCOLO I KNOW ITS HIM!!! NOO PICCOLO!!!" then the door busted down and the CN Tower exploded. it turned out to be gohan --what a suprise-- WHAT?! YOU WANT IT TO BE SOMEONE ELSE?!! FINE!!! AND GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!! --but...-- NOWW!!! any ways as i was saying it turned out to be TROWA!! DUH!! DUH!! DUH!! DUH!! DUNN!!!!!!!!! he ran in in tears and he sat on the ground beside piccolo's broken-ness while hold some pieces of his head in his hands "piccolo.....i...i always...loved you....sniff...." trowa confessed as quatre walked in.
"TROWA..T-TRROWAA!!!!! noo TROWAA!!" Quatre said as he started bawling his eyes out. he turned to vegeta for a hug but vegeta pretended to be all too sad about the CN Tower exploded so quatre hugged me...but i think im still at the bottom of the stairs...well if i am..or was...im up by the table now...or something....Quatre turned to Trowa "trowa..." he said slowly "i thought you loved me, don't you love me?" Trowa looked down at the ground and the many pieces of piccolo
"No." He said firmly "i love Piccolo."
"yo-YOU FIEND!!!" Quatre screamed while crying and running out of the room into the bedroom "AHHH!!" he screamed as he ran back out of the bedroom and ran out of the house.
"that was inter..esting..." i said as i scratched my head. "umm let me tell you people a story one day there was this tree, he told me he was a left handed bank robber and then i kicked him and stole his money the end."
"SHUT UP!" Trowa said "my love is dying!!!"
"YOU DON'T EVER!!!" i said as i rammed my 4x4 truck into Trowa's head "that'll teach you to tell me what to do...let me tell you another story, onetime this guy was being all ugly and i was like 'is it a pickle?' and he was like 'alweyz frush' then he died from a fatal disease called CANCER and then the ambulance came and they were like 'BLUE POINT 2 BLUE POINT 2 HUT HUT!!' then they started playing foot ball and i was like 'at times like this i wish i had a banana i mean an umbrella' then it started hailing taxi's and i didn't know what to do but then this rotten apple was driving a aircraft carier..or something and it crashed it into my house and then the apple went on me and i died..the end."
"NOOOOoooOOOOOoooooooooOoOOOoOOOOooOOOoOooOOOOooo!!!!!" Trowa screamed cuz piccolo died. then, it was silent for a minute. vegeta looked up
"What the..?"
"FINISH THE SENTENCE!!!" I screamed but then the bedroom door opened and.....wufei walked out very angrily
"that asshole, that's the last time i ever go in a place where he is that son of a bitch i think i ought to slap his ass....."he mumbled on but he was wearing a silver tiara with sparkly things on it, a long white dress, it almost looked like a wedding gown but it was really really BIG AND LONG and wufei fell three times and his sparkly plastic glass shoe fell off.
"i wanted it to be glass but i didn't have any one me." Duo said while picking up the plastic shoe.
"GIVE ME THAT!" Wufei yelled as he grabbed the shoe and shuved it on is foot. " i hate you Duo, you made womanly like, now im gonna have to change my name to feiwu and im gonna have to grow my hair long and then im gonna have to be a woman BUT I HATE YOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!" wufei screamed as he cried. then his head fell off and rolled away, so he started chasing it, he crashed through me and knocked me down the stairs
"AHHH!!" i screamed then wufei OR FEIWU broke the wall and ran away after his head. then above my head was a Dr Pepper can with a mouth
"THIS DREAM IS OVAH!" it said then a flash came and i woke up in a bed, i looked around and i heard the sound of tea cups and duo's voice laughing and vegeta's voice complaining and piccolo's voice mumbling AND the CN Tower's voice making noises.....

End . . . ?

THE END AHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH Actually no...or maybe? who knows? you do. I DO NOT!! or maybe i do? okay, shaddup now...

 by: brittany taylor