The Rock Zoo
Hollywood, Alabama

There are some things in life that seem a little silly at first, until you look deeper. Then they seem profound. Such is the "Rock Zoo".

This is a collection of rocks, mostly natural formations, with a few sticks, etc. thrown in. It sits not in some historic or cultural showplace, but in one man's front yard.

Years ago, for reasons known only to him, he began to paint these rocks to look like animals that they resembled. Some of his earliest include the large rooster, turtle, and cow. These are not sculpted - they are in the shape nature gave them, just with a good coat of paint to enhance their shape.

Over the years, this has grown into an attraction that has been publicised nationally on TV and in the Press. So if it seems a little silly at first, take time to think about that old farmer who, with a little imagination and even less money, got his name in the national news.

To this day, the Rock Zoo is free for anyone who wants to see it, who doesn't mind driving down a country road to see this monument to one man's imagination.

The creator of the Rock Zoo

These images may take a few minutes to load. It'll be worth the wait.

See, watching rocks CAN be fun!

Downtown HollywoodSurrounding CountrysideThe Rock Zoo
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