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Thoughts from The Redneck

They say opinions are like noses (OK,OK, but this is a family site, remember?), everybody has one. Here's mine, from a decidedly Redneck Point of View . . .

Updated 2/16/98

The topic today is Saddam Hussein. This IDIOT has got be nuts!

I mean, did he win the Gulf War? He acts like it! Now he's going around trying to stir things up again, and he's probably going to get a lot of folks killed before he's through.

George Bush made one big mistake - he stopped too soon. Of course, we the people have to take some credit for that, we were so scared of another "Vietnam" he was afraid we wouldn't support him. What we should have done was to take him out and be done with it, but no, we get to fight with him again. I wonder if Clinton has the guts to finish him off? I sure hope so!

So now this maniac has decided he doesn't want the U.N. to search for weapons - like he would mind if there wasn't any! What I can't figure out is why the other nations aren't upset like we are! They're a lot closer to this maniac, they've got more to fear! I'm starting to think maybe that trade embargo ain't working - usually if somebody starts acting wierd, it means they've got money at stake! I read an article the other day about how Russia was selling prohibited stuff to Saddam. Is this a coincidence?

I also heard that he was hiding weapons in other Libya! Surprise! Surprise! Who would have thought that Libya would do anything wrong? (just everybody with one eye and the good sense God gave a retarded earthworm!) So now what do we do, fight the whole world? If we try that, we'll probably get our butts kicked all the way back here! Iraq is one thing, but we would be stupid to take on France, Russia, China, and the others at the same time! No, we get to wait until Saddam Hussein decides to try for another conquest, this time with more and better weapons than before.

We have one good option left - Go kick Saddam's butt! If we take care of him now, maybe the next guy won't be as bad (hey, a Redneck can hope, can't he?) and we won't have to woory about this anymore. If the other nations don't like it, tough! We've got a vested interest here! With all the intelligence .....(sorry, that one choked me up!)..... and smart weapons we have, we should be able to pinpoint a flea's butt in the L.A. Dog Pound! That would be good - no civilian casualties, just Saddam's ugly carcass deep fried and smokin'! Yea, right! Well, I can dream, can't I?

Of course, to exercise that one last option, we would need a President with enough guts to actually commit to something! Anybody know where we can find one? (Maybe Hillary would like the job - she's a b**** like Newt's momma said, but she's mean enough for the job!). I guess we'll just have to sit back and wait to see what Saddam's next move is. I hate politics!

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