The Andor Files
The Andor Files

Customising 3.75" Mego Star Trek action figures

Click on a figure to learn how I made it

Andorian Betelgeusian Rigellian

[Andorian female] [Betelgeusian] [Rigellian lord]

In early 1980, Mego Corporation released 3.75" action figures of characters from Star Trek: The Motion Picture. They proved impossible to find in Australia, so I tried ordering them by mail order from a shop in the USA called Heroes World. Ironically, Heroes World was sold out of the regular crew (Kirk, Spock, Ilia, etc) but had most of the alien ambassadors in stock. At the time I wondered about why I needed figures of aliens, who had scarcely been seen in the movie, when I couldn't have the Enterprise crew. I passed on the offer.

Of course, a year later, Kirk, Spock, Scotty, Decker, Ilia and the Klingon turned up on bargain tables all over Sydney. And, of course, I couldn't resist colour-correcting the Enterprise crew's insignias!

Over the years, I've developed a fascination for Star Trek aliens, especially members of the United Federation of Planets. Just to tease me, photos of the "missing" Mego aliens are on all the cardbacks! The alien ambassadors were never seen at retail in Australia - and the prices for these "rare" figures began to soar through the roof.

What made it worse for this Trek completist was that I knew that, even if I bought a set, I'd not be satisfied with the alien figures' slap-dash sculpting, painting and costuming errors. In 1999, I discovered eBay. Loose aliens were finally mine. Let the customising begin!

Mego customs:

[Andorian female] [Betelgeusian] [Rigellian lord] [And the rest (Tinkering with details)]

Playmates customs:
[Recipes for customising] [Tellarite] [Arex] [M'ress] [Dr Selar] [Capt. Bev and Prof. Data] [Tuvix]

Races of the United Federation of Planets

A Rogues' Gallery of Andorians

A Summary of the Physiological Roots of Andorian Culture by Leslie Fish

Captain Therin's photo album

See Therin and Grol hosting intergalactic game shows

Therin's Log of the USS Hood (Fiction by Ian McLean)

That other blue race

Separated at Birth...?

Ian and Therin's hot links

The Andor Files
The Andor Files

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Star Trek © Paramount Pictures Corp. This website is not intended to infringe on copyrights held by Paramount/Viacom. The Mego Customising pages © 1999 Orange Eye Productions. No text or graphics may be reproduced without permission.

Page revised June 2006
Email Therin and Ian at: [email protected] 1