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Your subspace chatter is welcome, too!

Email: [email protected]

Karen H., 5 Feb 99
Well, I did say when I finally got online I'd check out your website. What can I say? It's fantastic! "Have Phaser, Will Travel" - now THOSE were the days! Be seeing you!

Sally H., USA, 11 Jan 99
I was checking you web page out and really enjoyed it.

Monty E., USA, 5 Jan 99
Is it possible to purchase any of your figures?

Sorry, no. See comments further down - Ian.

Homer F., USA, 23 Dec 98
I noticed the pics of Andorians from the fan films and fanzine series. They look quite interesting. Do you have any information on these films?

Yes indeed! I shall post something to the site as soon as possible - Ian.

Patrick P., USA, 15 Nov 98
Your page, is brilliant, and simply, GREAT. I mean, I have never seen someone with so much enthusiasm about making Star Trek figures. It is wonderful. My personal favorites are Arex and Therin (all of the Andorians). I mean, I am only twelve but I think even I might want to do something like that for one of my figures!

David, USA, 2 Nov 98
Thanks for creating the site.ÊUntil today I hadn't seen one like it.Ê Had planned on taking the time one day to do something similar... but am still busy enough working on the commercial collection. This one gets bookmarked!

Greg M., USA, 7 Oct 98
Your Andorian site is obviously the product of an obsessive personality with far too much time on his hands. This is, of course, a compliment of the highest order. You have put together a level and breadth of detail which I never realized was possible on the subject, and I wanted to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am curious about the fan created movie you mentioned, Natural Selection. I'd be very interested in watching something like this, if it's feasible to get a copy here in the U.S.

Actually, that particular film is a US one, though still an unfinished work by Jimm and Josh Johnson - Ian.

Patrick D., USA, 3 Sept 98
I was wondering if you will/already have redone your page in the last couple of months? I saw your Arex and M'ress figures, and tried to do the same. I had trouble with the Crayola Magic legs (they were too breakable) so I substituted some Voyager women's legs! I sculpted the head with Sculpy. I think that it works much better. For M'ress, I used a Troi head and added cheeks and ears. Her legs were done from Ilia, chopping off the heels! I have tried some other figures, but the hardest thing is making two-part body moulds that work.

Thanks for the email. Haven't updated the custom pages for a while. But I have some new figures to get done, so hopefully soon. The Crayola Magic worked like magic for me. I was very pleased with how my figures came out. SuperSculpy is very hard to buy in Australia. And I kinda enjoy the bizarre pleasure of beating the five-minute drying putty - Ian

Bruno, France, 13 Aug 98
I'm a French Star Trek fan, collecting Star Trek figures, and I just wanted to say your customized action figures are really amazing. Live long and prosper.

Billy, USA, 9 Aug 98
You have some wonderful custom figs on these pages. Doctor Selar is a great figure; I've been reading the New Frontier books with her as a character. I wish they would make the whole crew from those books. Mendon looks perfect. I also really like the Bolian and Andorians in Starfleet uniforms. I just recently started thinking about customizing. Not really customizing, just repainting actually. I painted a Captain Sisko blue to have a Bolian crew member. I would love to have an Andorian in Starfleet, but I'm not quite ambitious enough yet to try head-swapping; worried I would end up ruining two figures and ending up with nothing. Well, I've rambled long enough. Just wanted to compliment you on some really neat custom figures. I wish I had your talent.

Suzanne B., USA, 18 Jul 98
You are a virtual "walking encyclopedia" of almost everything! I've enjoyed your fabulous websites, but it is your limitless knowledge which really fascinates me! I'm sure you already know that (modest though you may be), and others have surely commented on it too. If you ever run for anything (in an election) you can count on my vote! I'm old enough to be your mother, but intellectual brilliance is so rare in this world; I just had to compliment you on that, and the way you use it.

Blush! - Ian

Locutus, USA, 10 Jul 98
Would you be willing to sell your Tuvix. If so, how much? If not, how can I make my own?

All my secrets are at: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/1558/trek/Recipes.html - Ian.

Rose Mary, USA, 3 Jun 98
I think your site and customized figures are great.

Pascal A., USA, 25 May 98
G-roovy work! Hi! Your Star Trek pages amaze me! Your work is better than anything I saw before! Oh, I would like to see a photo adventure generated by your characters.

Hardy, USA, 23 May 98
I am a Star Trek fan and Playmates toy collector. I saw your website and like it!

Lindsay H., 13 May 98
I'm am a Star Trek fan (BIG TIME). I collect action figures from the classic episodes and many other SciFi-related figures and toys. If I can be of any help locating figures for you to remodel, please drop me a line. By the way, your work is excellent. Keep up the good work. Live long and prosper!

Quentin & Ruth S., 13 May 98
I like your page. Lots of good stuff and it doesn't take forever to download with my gear. Keep up the good work. Live long and prosper. PS. How's Therin?

Charles, USA, 30 Apr 98
Nice figs!

Dallas W., 17 Mar 98
I love your page. Hehe, your figures are completely awesome; they are like manufactured ones. In fact, your page has gotten me into customizing Trek figures. I look at your site constantly for tips and ideas and I must say thank you for the idea and new hobby. I love your work and can't wait to see what you make next.

Ensign Bluie, USS Patriote via Canada, 16 Mar 98
I am a female Andorian who is involved in a role playing game in Starfleet Quebec (in French). I would like to dress up as an Andorian at conventions and the problem is I cannot find antennae. Can you help me?

Plastic watering can spouts, melted over a gas stove flame and curved slightly, with suction caps attached to the ends, then covered in papier-mache and painted blue, make wonderful antennae! Leave some plastic from the sides of the watering can attached, so there will be lots of spare plastic to glue to the wig - Therin.

Mikael, USA, 13 Mar 98
Hi. You get me extremely extremely jealous. Your figures look better than the Playmates ones.

Joey S., USA, 9 Mar 98
Forgive my enthusiasm, but your page is spectacular in scope, as well as execution. I've been customizing off and on for about three years, but only recently have I begun my Trek customizing. Hence, I have a few questions that I could use your expertise on. Whose head would you use for Captain Harriman? Captain Rachel Garrett? Captain Willard Decker? Thanks and keep up the fantastic work!

Thanks Joey. Study photos of the three actors and then do your searching in the chain stores. For Harriman, look for a long face and perhaps even lengthen the neck; a Lost World: Jurassic Park figure, or a Christopher Pike? For Rachel, check out the female seaQuest DSV for a different look. I've seen a great Will made from a Tom Paris, but I'm using a Lucas from seaQuest DSV for mine. Don't forget Decker's cleft chin! Good luck! - Ian.

Anne M., USA, 30 Jan 98
Is there any way to buy these action figures. I am extremely interested in the Rhaandarite bridge alien?

Sadly my custom Trek figures are made with love for me. I've had a lot of people beg me to make more, but I'd simply rather spend the time making new figures of characters I don't have yet. They become my "children" and I could never part with them. The Rhaandarite is a favourite of mine too. The actor who played him in the first Trek movie, Billy Van Zandt, was an interview subject of mine when I travelled in the US in 1984. Hence the excitement about making him into an action figure. I'm dying to know why you like that figure in particular - Ian.

Heather P., USA, 1 Jan 98
Just spent part of the new year cruising your custom Trek figures site. Really nice work! Cool stuff. See you on the Customizers' list!

Barry N., USA, 1 Jan 98
I saw the customized Star Trek Animated figs on your site and WOW! I'd like to see Playmates do maybe one animated character per series of figures in the 5" line. Very cool.


Beam me back, Scotty

since Feb 2000

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Star Trek © Paramount Pictures Corp. This website is not intended to infringe on copyrights held by Paramount/Viacom. The Andor Files pages © 1997 Orange Eye Productions. Leslie Fish retains full copyright over all of her contributions. No text or graphics may be reproduced without permission.

Revised February 2000
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/1558/index.html
Email Therin and Ian at: [email protected] 1