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Lastly is Stinking Fuck which began as a duet [me and Baz]. Baz recorded some riffs in Sound Recorder and increased the speed then sent them as MP3 files over to me. I then proceeded to scream like a cunt over them and add some totally random drum loops in the background which were constrcuted in Fruity Loops. The first half of the debut CD are my vocals and song titles, and the second half is all Baz. All my song titles are based on true life experiences. For example, 'Dropping the Skag' i s about a time I saw a tramp drop some smack and I watched as a passer by pick it up and gave it back to him. 'Cracking an Old Lady in the Face with a Fist' is a song about the time a street preacher told me he used to burn bibles and put old women in hospital for fun. I fucking hate that guy. I'm gonna stab him one day for being a twat - not because he used to beat up old women [that's his good side] but the fact that he preaches the word of god down a megaphone in the centre of the town and then tells us it's OUR CHOICE. I hate brainwashing. You don't see me in town screaming "RELIGION IS BOLLOCKS! THERE IS NO GOD!! YOU'RE ALL GONNA ROT IN THE GROUND WHEN YOU DIE!!!!"

Yuvaak - How could you forget the presence of Rich on drums in Stinking Fuck? By themselves the songs are most certainly stinking, he's the only one who fucks them up good! Now then, do you think Reeking Mucus, Dried Semen or any other Traumatized artist will ever expel a gust of flatulence as thoroughly unsatisfactory as the label's debut release?
Jamie - I don't really know what to make of that question to be honest haha. That album was where it all started, to me it's a cult classic in therms of what Rev from FMD would call 'Boredcore'. We both did our best to come up with something fresh and I think it worked well. I found some cool samples from the web and weaved together a mess of what I think entails a lot of variety...on one side its dark, on another is fucking stupid. Dried Semen on this release is totally raw as fuck, Baz's first outing in terms of vocal abuse which led to his many other side projects. It's a corner stone for all D.I.Y. grindcore bands and the sooner it's recognised the better! On the other hand, its really just a pile of wank.

Yuvaak - What have you been listening to lately?
Jamie - I've been listening to Cypress Hill, My Dying Bride, Iron Monkey, Abosranie Bogom, Taint, Skinless, Decay and Queen. I listen to all sorts of music...I enjoy everything from Suffocation to Soundgarden and from Cock and Ball Torture to the Bloodhound Gang.

Yuvaak - A brown handful of your songs contain often odic, occassionally epodic pre formulated passages. To what extent do you utilise your lyrical ability song? Are any of them similiar to Stinking Fuck in being built upon personal experiences?
Jamie - A lot of Reeking Mucus tracks are just random vocals with no pattern at all. For instance, 'Fucked with a Fishslice' is nothing but a mess of bile-inducing screaming. However, some tracks are based on real life experiences, such as 'White Discharge on Your Red Thong', 'Watching You Masturbate on my Bed' along with others. 'Sliced Wrists for a Tetleys Drinking Cunt' is a song about my hatred for Tetley's's fucking rancid. I work in a pub and all the old bastards drink it. They should be lined up and shot for having such bad taste. Another true-to-life song is 'Wanking With A Dry Condom'.

Yuvaak - D'you like a good toke? If so does this aid the creation of Reeking Mucus material and themes?
Jamie - I've actually cut down on the pot as I think it was turning me into of a bit nobhead, but now I seem to be even worse so I think I'm gonna start smoking weed again full time. I've probably been stoned when making some RxMx tunes but I can't really pin-point a specific track/album. I'm sure it's added to my productivity though.

Yuvaak - Are you pleased with how Reeking Mucus and Traumatized Records as a whole has festered since its beginnings, and what can be expected in future?
Jamie - Well Traumatized has actually sold a few shits which is remarkable to say we're absolutely appalling!! But seriously though it's really cool being involved with this sort of thing, if people buy our stuff and say they enjoyed it - I get a big fucking head haha. Nah, I'm happy with the way we've progressed from 2 dirty grind heads talking about Necrobestiality et al to forming our own record label.
Hopefully we'll keep growing with more releases and get some more bands added to the roster to spice things up a bit. Bands to look out for are Embalmed and Munt Victim coming to Traumatized soon. They're gonna be nothing like you've heard on the label before! I can also announce that Reeking Mucus will be coming back for one more album and will include guest guitar riffage from Baz himself.
Keep your decaying eyes peeled ya cunts, cos no matter how hard you flush, the Reeking Mucus you spat out will keep coming back...andback...AND get the point.

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