Windows Hacks & Tips!

Hiding Control Panel Applets (Windows 9x/Me)

This tweak allows you to show or hide any of the applets found in the Windows Control Panel.

Open CONTROL.INI (usually found in the C:\WINDOWS) and add the following lines under the "[don't load]" subsection. If the "[don't load]" section doesn't already exist then create it be adding it on a new line at the end of the file.

For each control panel applet to be hidden add a new line with text in the format "applet.cpl=no" (e.g. fax.cpl=no).

Exit the registry and restart Windows for the change to take effect.
Hiding Control Panel Applets (Windows NT/2000)

This tweak allows you to show or hide any of the applets found in the Windows Control Panel.

Open your registry and find the key below.

For each applet you want to hide create a new string value and call it the filename of the applet to be hidden (for example 'fax.cpl'). Set the value to equal 'No' to hide the applet or 'Yes' to display it.

Exit the registry and either logout or restart Windows.
Avoid Accidental Registry Imports with Regedit (All Versions)
By default if you double-click on a file with a '.REG' extension the file will be imported into the system registry. You can change the default so it opens the file for editing instead.

You can change the default by either of the two methods below:

Through the Registry

Open your registry and find the key below.
Change the (Default) value to equal "edit".
Exit your registry editor.
Using the GUI
From either Explorer or My Computer click on View -> Options, then the 'File Types' tab. Scroll down the list of registered file type until you find 'Registration Entries', highlight it and click 'Edit'. Listed in the 'Actions' box should be three actions: Edit, Merge and Print. Highlight 'Edit' and click 'Set Default', Edit should become Bold.
Next time you double-click on a .REG file, notepad should open instead. You can still import a file by simply right-click on it and select 'Merge'.
Setting the Windows Temporary Directory (All Versions)
Depending on which version of Windows you run, temporary files are usually stored in C:\WINDOWS\TEMP. This tweak shows how to move the location of the temporary file directory.

Open up AUTOEXEC.BAT with a text editor, it is normally found at C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT. If you're run Windows 9x it maybe possible to right-click the file in explorer and choose 'Edit'.

Add two new lines, or modify the existing lines if they are already there, as follows:

SET TEMP=[directory]
SET TMP=[directory]


Save AUTOEXEC.BAT, create the directory entered above and reboot.
oad Drivers and Programs into High Memory (Windows 3.1)
Programs and device drivers loaded from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file are normally loaded straight into low memory. This change allows them to be loaded high.

Open the AUTOEXEC.BAT file found in the root directory of your C: drive using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

In front of any lines loaded applications or drivers, for example MSCDEX.EXE, appended "LH" (for Load High), for example:


These changes will take place on the next reboot.
Remove Command Echoing (Windows 9x/Me)
Normally when commands are read and executed from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, there are echoed back to the screen. This setting turns the echo off, which means only message text will be shown, and not the originating command.

Open the AUTOEXEC.BAT file found in the root directory of your C: drive using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

At the top of the file add a new line equal to "@echo off", this will remove the command echo.

These changes will take place on the next reboot.
Define Whether Windows Parses Autoexec.bat (Windows NT/2000)
When this value is 1, the environment variables declared in the Autoexec.bat file are included in the user's environment.

Open your registry and find the key below.

Create a new String value, or modify the existing value, called 'ParseAutoexec' and edit the value according to the settings below.

Exit your registry, you may need to restart or log out of Windows for the change to take effect.
Change the Default Operating System (Windows NT)
This setting in the BOOT.INI file controls which operating system the NT Boot Loader launches by default if none is selected.

Change the attributes for BOOT.INI so it is not 'Read Only', BOOT.INI is found in the root directory of the first partition. Then open the file using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Under the [boot loader] section change the 'default=' option to one of the operating systems listed under the [operating systems] section that you wish to use as the default.

For example, to load Windows NT from the first partition on the first IDE hard drive in the /WINNT directory the option would look like:

Change Default OS Selection Timeout (Windows NT)
This setting controls the amount of time Windows NT will wait before loading the Default OS choice as define by the "default=" option.

Change the attributes for BOOT.INI so it is not 'Read Only', BOOT.INI is found in the root directory of the first partition. And open the file using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Change the default value of '30' to a number representing a timeout in seconds. i.e.. to have a timeout of 5 seconds change the value to 'timeout=5'.

The change will take affect on the next reboot.

Hint: To have an Windows NT wait indefinitely for a choice change this value to 'timeout=-1'.
Boot Windows NT with the Default VGA Video Driver (Windows NT)
This explains how to create an a safe VGA video mode start-up option, especially useful when your video adapter or driver is causing problems.

Change the attributes for BOOT.INI so it is not 'Read Only', BOOT.INI is found in the root directory of the first partition. And open the file using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Listed under the [operating systems] section are all the OS's the NT boot loader can launch. To create a new safe VGA entry copy one of the existing NT entries and paste it on a new line.

At the end of the new entry add '/basevideo' (without the quotation marks), change the description of the entry to reflect that it is VGA mode.

The new entry should look similar to:
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Windows NT Workstation Version 4.00 [VGA mode]" /basevideo

Changes will take place on the next reboot.
Boot Windows NT in Safe Mode (Windows NT)
Windows NT can be very temperamental sometimes are you add new software or install a new driver. The option allows you the create a Windows NT alternative to the Windows 9x Safe Mode. In this mode extra checks are performed and not all third party drivers are loaded.

Change the attributes for BOOT.INI so it is not 'Read Only', BOOT.INI is found in the root directory of the first partition. And open the file using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Listed under the [operating systems] section are all the OS's the NT boot loader can launch. To create a new safe mode entry copy one of the existing NT entries and paste it on a new line.

At the end of the new entry add '/sos' (without the quotation marks), change the description of the entry to reflect that it is safe mode. Additional adding '/basevideo' will launch NT with the default VGA driver.

The new entry should look similar to:
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Windows NT Workstation Version 4.00 [Safe Mode]" /sos /basevideo

Changes will take place on the next reboot.
Disable Detection of Devices on Serial Ports (Windows NT)
Windows NT attempts to probe the serial ports on boot-up to detect any serial mice. This can cause problems with other serial devices such as UPS's.

Change the attributes for BOOT.INI so it is not 'Read Only', BOOT.INI is found in the root directory of the first partition. And open the file using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Listed under the [operating systems] section are all the OS's the NT boot loader can launch.

At the end of the each entry add '/NoSerialMice' (without the quotation marks).

The new entry should look similar to:
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Windows NT Workstation Version 4.00" /NoSerialMice

Changes will take place on the next reboot.
Enable the 4GT RAM Tuning Feature of NT Enterprise Edition (Windows NT)
With standard Windows NT Server, the per-process address limit is 2 gigabytes (GB) of random access memory (RAM). The 4GT feature of Windows NT Server/E increases this limit to 3 GB without introducing new APIs. 4GT does this by reducing the potential RAM allocated to the Windows NT kernel from 2 GB to 1 GB.

Change the attributes for BOOT.INI so it is not 'Read Only', BOOT.INI is found in the root directory of the first partition. And open the file using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Listed under the [operating systems] section are all the OS's the NT boot loader can launch.

At the end of the each entry add '/3GB' (without the quotation marks).

The new entry should look similar to:
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Windows NT Server Version 4.00" /3GB

Restart Windows for the change to take effect.

Note: This change is only effective if you are using Windows NT Server/E. On standard Windows NT, this flag will relocate the kernel, but applications will be unable to access more than 2 GB.
Load DOS Command Processor into High Memory (Windows 9x/Me)
DOS is limited to 640kb low memory, as more device drivers are loaded that space is used up leaving less available memory for applications. This setting loads the DOS command processor into high memory, freeing some low memory for other applications.

Open the CONFIG.SYS file found in the root directory of your C: drive using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Add a new line with the text "DOS=HIGH,UMB", or modify the exiting line beginning with "DOS=" and change it to "DOS=HIGH,UMB" to load the DOS processor into high memory.

Make sure the following lines also exist at the top of the file, without them DOS can not be loaded into upper memory.


These changes will take place on the next reboot.
Increase the Number Disk Buffers (Windows 3.1)
This setting can be used to increase the number of disk buffers available to DOS.

Open the CONFIG.SYS file found in the root directory of your C: drive using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Add a new line with the text "buffers=40", or modify the exiting line beginning with "buffers=" and change it to "buffers=40" where '40' is the number of disk buffers. Alternatively use "buffershigh=40" to cause the reserved memory to be taken out of the upper memory area instead.

These changes will take place on the next reboot.
Load Device Drivers into Memory (Windows 3.1)
This setting is used to load specified device drivers into memory (or high memory).

Open the CONFIG.SYS file found in the root directory of your C: drive using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Add a new line with the text "device=xxxxxxx.sys" where 'xxxxxxx.sys' is the device to be loaded. Alternatively use "devicehigh=xxxxxxx.sys" command to cause the device to be loaded into the upper memory area instead.

These changes will take place on the next reboot.
Control the Number of File Control Blocks (FCBs) (Windows 3.1)
This setting specifies the number of file control blocks (FCBs) that the operating system can have open at the same time.

Open the CONFIG.SYS file found in the root directory of your C: drive using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Add a new line with the text "fcbs=xx" where 'xx' is the number of fcbs to have open simultaneously. Alternatively use "fcbshigh=xx" command to cause the reserved memory to be taken out of the upper memory area instead.

These changes will take place on the next reboot.
Controls the Number of Simultaneous Files (Windows 3.1)
This setting specifies the number of files that the operating system can access at one time.

Open the CONFIG.SYS file found in the root directory of your C: drive using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Add a new line with the text "files=xx" where 'xx' is the maximum number of files to have open simultaneously (for example files=60). Alternatively use "fileshigh=xx" command to cause the reserved memory to be taken out of the upper memory area instead.

These changes will take place on the next reboot.
Specify the Maximum Number of Drive Letters (Windows 3.1)
This setting control the maximum number of drivers accessible by a drive letter.

Open the CONFIG.SYS file found in the root directory of your C: drive using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Add a new line with the text "lastdrive=?" where '?' is the last accessible driver letter (for example lastdrive=Z). Alternatively use "lastdrivehigh=?" command to cause the reserved memory to be taken out of the upper memory area instead.

These changes will take place on the next reboot
Control the Number of Data Stacks (Windows 3.1)
Support the dynamic use of data stacks to handle hardware interrupts.

Open the CONFIG.SYS file found in the root directory of your C: drive using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Add a new line with the text "stacks=xx" where 'xx' is the number of data stacks (for example stacks=9,256). Alternatively use "stackshigh=" command to cause the reserved memory to be taken out of the upper memory area instead.

These changes will take place on the next reboot.
Use Extended Memory (Windows 3.1)
Himem, an extended-memory manager, is a program that coordinates the use of your computer's extended memory, including the high memory area (HMA). It must be loaded before any application or device drivers can use extended memory.

Open the CONFIG.SYS file found in the root directory of your C: drive using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

At the top of the file add a line with the text "device=c:\windows\himem.sys" where 'c:\windows' is the path to the himem.sys file.

These changes will take place on the next reboot.
Running Scandisk on Boot Up (Windows 9x/Me)
If Windows 9x is shutdown incorrectly, or the turn power turned off without shutting down, the system will attempt to run Scandisk on the next boot. You can control whether Scandisk doesn't run, prompts whether to run, or runs automatically.

Change the attributes for MSDOS.SYS so it is not 'Read Only', MSDOS.SYS is found in the root directory of your C:\ drive. Open the file using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Change the value of 'AutoScan=' to:

AutoScan=0 : Scandisk is Disabled
AutoScan=1 : Scandisk Prompts First
AutoScan=2 : Scandisk Runs Automatically
Changes will take place on the next reboot.
Note: It is advisable to run Scandisk after an incorrect shutdown to avoid file corruption.

Note: This feature is only available on Windows 95 OSR 2 and greater.
Control Windows Double Buffering Support (Windows 98)
Windows 98 includes double buffering support, some systems may have an incompatibility between the computer's BIOS and the Dblbuff.sys file.

A setting of 1 is a conditional setting that enables double-buffering for controllers that need it (for example, SCSI controllers). A setting of 2 is an unconditional setting that enables double-buffering regardless of whether the controller needs it or not.

Note: Some computers, especially those that use a SCSI hard disk, may require double buffering to work properly.
Forces Your Computer to Boot in Safe Mode (Windows 9x/Me)
This setting when enabled forces your computer to always boot in Safe Mode.

Add a new value of 'BootSafe=' to MSDOS.SYS.

Set the value to '1' to always boot in Safe mode or '0' to run normally.
Suppress Safe Mode Warning Message (Windows 9x/Me)
Enabling this setting suppresses the safe mode warning message when booting up, and bypasses the Startup menu.

Add a new value of 'BootWarn=' to MSDOS.SYS.

Set the value to '1' to ignore the Safe mode warning or '0' to run normally
Load Compression Driver into Low Memory (Windows 9x/Me)
This setting controls whether double space (or drive space) is loaded into high memory. If you are having compatibility problems with software that makes assumptions about the available memory try changing this setting.

A setting of 0 does not let Windows 95 load COMMAND.COM or DRVSPACE.BIN/DBLSPACE.BIN at the top of 640K.

Change the attributes for MSDOS.SYS so it is not 'Read Only', MSDOS.SYS is found in the root directory of your C:\ drive. Open the file using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Add a new line with the following text 'LoadTop=0' to load the compression driver into low memory.

Changes will take place on the next reboot.
Disable Function Keys During the Boot Sequence (Windows 9x/Me)
By default Windows 9x enables the function keys on boot, these allow you to control the boot process. For example pressing F5 while the "Starting Windows 95..." message is displayed will boot Windows in Safe Mode.

Change the attributes for MSDOS.SYS so it is not 'Read Only', MSDOS.SYS is found in the root directory of your C:\ drive. Open the file using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Change the value of 'BootKeys=' to 'BootKeys=1' for enabled or 'BootKeys=0' for disabled.

Changes will take place on the next reboot.
Change the Function Keys Timeout (Windows 9x/Me)
By default Windows 9x enables the function keys during the boot sequence for 2 seconds, these keys allow you to control the boot process. This value can be changed using this tweak.

Change the attributes for MSDOS.SYS so it is not 'Read Only', MSDOS.SYS is found in the root directory of your C:\ drive. Open the file using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Change the value of 'BootDelay=' to a value representing the number of seconds to make the keys available. e.g. To enable the keys for 5 seconds change the value to 'BootDelay=5'

Changes will take place on the next reboot
Display the Windows Splash Screen While Loading (Windows 9x/Me)
When Windows is loading normally you see the Windows clouds splash screen, this can be disabled to show the background DOS boot process.

Change the attributes for MSDOS.SYS so it is not 'Read Only', MSDOS.SYS is found in the root directory of your C:\ drive. Open the file using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Change the value of 'Logo=' to 'Logo=1' for splash screen enabled or 'Logo=0' for disabled.

Changes will take place on the next reboot.
Allow Booting to the Previous Operating System (Windows 9x/Me)
If you installed an upgrade version of Windows 9x, you can normally press F4 to boot your previous version of Windows. This option can be disabled.

Change the attributes for MSDOS.SYS so it is not 'Read Only', MSDOS.SYS is found in the root directory of your C:\ drive. Open the file using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Change the value of 'BootMulti=' to 'BootMulti=1' for F4 enabled or 'BootMulti=0' for disabled.

Changes will take place on the next reboot.
Showing the Windows Boot Menu (Windows 9x/Me)
By default Windows 9x does not show the boot menu unless you press a key during bootup (F8 for Windows 95 or CTRL for 98/Me). The boot menu allows you to boot Windows in different modes, including Safe Mode and Command Prompt Mode. You can configure the boot menu to be shown automatically on every boot.

Change the attributes for MSDOS.SYS so it is not 'Read Only', MSDOS.SYS is found in the root directory of your C:\ drive. Open the file using Notepad or another text editor (not Microsoft Word or any word processor).

Change the value of 'BootMenu=' to 'BootMenu=1' for enabled or 'BootMenu=0' for disabled.

If the boot menu is enabled you can control how long it waits before continuing to boot with the 'BootMenuDelay=' option. Set 'BootMenuDelay=' to the amount of time to wait in seconds. i.e. 'BootMenuDelay=5' would wait 5 seconds before continuing to load Windows.

BootKeys must also be enabled for this option to function i.e. 'BootKeys=1'

Changes will take place on the next reboot.
Improve Swap File Performance (Windows 98) Updated Popular
On systems with large amounts of memory, more than 128Mb, the hard disk based swap file is not needed as much. This tweak optimizes the use of the swap file on such systems.

Using notepad open the SYSTEM.INI file in your Windows directory.

Find the [386Enh] section and add a new line reading "ConservativeSwapfileUsage=1".

Save the file and restart Windows for the change to take effect.

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