The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien, P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister of Canada
Room 309-S
Centre Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario

May 8, 2003

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

I am asking you to take urgent action against fraud, criminal conspiracy and violations of Human Rights which have been committed by Canadian authorities for the last seventeen years.

I submit to you the following facts:

1. In the years 1981-1986 I was a Doctor of Philosophy candidate at the University of Toronto, which is a public university given the power to grant degrees. This university is accountable to the government of Ontario (Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities) and to the government of Canada (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, NSERC).
I was one of the best scientists that Canada ever had and certainly the best in the field.
The discoveries made by me would make this country proud.

2. At some point during this time the university had designed and then conducted a criminal scheme by which instead of giving me the degree, the university had thrown me out, stole my research and attributed its authorship to their own staff.
The university made numerous statements falsifying the universally recognized law and abrogating my inalienable right of authorship. The obvious, documented and admitted by the perpetrators fact that my research was published under the authorship of others is not disputed. Instead, the university is claiming that my research was "salvaged".
However, no "salvaging" that would allow change of authorship is possible under any law. The claim of "salvaging" was one of the first in a long line of acts calculated to deny me the dignity of a human being and of a scientist.
My five years of excellent scientific studies turned out to be a form of slave labor. My right to receive credentials on the basis of merit was denied. My reputation was destroyed. I have been in the state of terrible depression since 1986. I have been unable to earn living. My family was destroyed by the disastrous circumstances.

3. In the Court of Ontario, I started a civil case. Under the pressure from the University of Toronto, the Court denied its own jurisdiction over the case. The jurisdiction was later restored by the Court of Appeal. I, however, could not go to the trial because all witnesses were intimidated by the university and because I could not get even a lawyer. I was denied Legal Aid five times.

4. Following the barbarous fraud and nullification of my right of authorship, Canadian authorities are denying me all protection of the law. My complaints sent to NSERC, RCMP and to other government officials are met with falsification of law and procedure, refusal to follow the due process and denial of jurisdiction. My letter sent to the Minister of Justice of Canada was not answered. My complaints are never answered in substance. I have de facto became an outlaw to whom the law does not apply.

5. I have to endure mental torture that the present situation and the denial of the protection of law is causing for many years. Such treatment is dehumanizing, it amounts to open provocation for violence. Canadian authorities use this treatment to force me to accept the present situation when the work of my life is stolen, my good name is stolen, 22 years of my life, including the 5 years of slave labor, are ruined but the criminals remain free. This treatment is keeping me on the brink of insanity for years.

6. The influence of the criminals has such power that Canadian press and other mass media has been subverted and not a single word about this affair can be published. All the large law firms in Toronto capable of confronting the crime have declared "conflict of interest", 51 of them.

It is not the first time that a scientist is robbed and persecuted in Canada. Professor V. Fabrikant was likewise robbed of his research and provoked into violence, certainly, due to the similar complete breakdown of civilized order as the press was ordered to keep silence till the moment he started shooting.

I am 62 years old and I will never ever agree with the present situation. I will not be able to sustain it. The situation is no longer tolerable. What is being done to me should never ever be done to any human being. I need relief within shortest time possible. I have exhausted all administrative routes of complaints. I am writing this letter which is the last complaint that I am capable of making, in a state of extreme distress and under mental torture. Canada must stop the war against a completely innocent man.
Canadian public will become aware of the systematic corruption in science, higher education, law enforcement and the press.

My research must be returned under my name.
The compensation must be paid.
The criminals who committed the fraud and all who covered up the fraud must be prosecuted.

The annotated list of documents supporting this letter is on the Internet at:

The history of the case and links to other related statements and events are at:

Yours sincerely,
Michael Pyshnov

There was no answer to this letter.

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