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The U.S.S. Bache

� In memoriam �

17 Sailors of the U.S.S. Cole, DDG-67
October 12th, 2000

They gave their lives for freedom

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �


New information for ex Bache sailors - Click here!

USS Bache - on the Hudson River

Here's a picture of the U.S.S. Bache, DD-470, a Fletcher-class tin can. My dad, Leo Helmboldt, EM2,
was the only survivor in his division when the Bache was hit by a kamikaze off Okinawa (26� 01' N. Lat.,
126� 53' E. Long.) on May 13th, 1945 (she was also hit for only minor damage on May 3rd/4th).

Here's a picture taken May 14th, 1945, the day after the hit, taken from either the USS Nestor or
the USS Haggard, DD-555 - both were alongside - in Wise Man's Cove(?), Kerama Retto, Okinawa.

Bache after kamikaze hit - 5/14/45

Casualties were 42 killed, 14 missing, and 32 wounded. �

The Bache, a veteran of the Battle of Surigao Strait (DesRon 24) and many other WWII actions, survived (barely) and ended World War II in the New York Navy Yard. Here's most of the crew left aboard in the autumn of 1945, in Charleston, South Carolina, just before Bache was mothballed. For more 11/45 crew pictures, CLICK HERE!

Here are some more crew pictures, but these are not dated - More Pictures

Here are some portrait-style pictures of Leo Helmboldt and more of the crew - Portraits

Here are the entries from Leo Helmboldt's personal diary, kept on two small notebook pages for the 16 months he was in action in the South Pacific toward the end of World War II. - diary.

Here's a sad note - a copy of the obituary from the hometown newspaper of Leo's best buddy - Billy Peters - killed by the second kamikaze.

Here's a picture received 17 March, 1998, (from his son) of the ship's surgeon/doctor from 1943 to early 1945 - Dr Ignatius J. Palmisano. This picture was taken in front of his Chicago home soon after the Battle for Leyte Gulf (so, November/December, 1944).

On 27 JAN 09 I received these pictures from Mac Lockwood, one of dad's best buddies, also a survivor of the kamikaze attack - click here.

Here's a great ship's history of the Bache from the internet.

Here's a link to a great map of the war in the Pacific - Up the Ladder

And here's a great WWII map of Okinawa - The Yanks Invade Okinawa

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Bache on the Hudson
Here's another picture of the Bache on the Hudson River in New York.
This picture was provided by Bob Davis, who served on the Bache from the Aleutians to the end of the war.
For more of Bob's pictures and story - CLICK HERE.


Some pictures of the last days of the Bache, in Greece, 1968 - final days.


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Here's a link to the USS Beale, DD-471, the Bache's sister ship. There is also a picture of the Bache on this page.

Speaking of the Beale, here are some pictures taken of the Bache from the Beale back in the early 60s. Go to Jim Clark's highline transfer pictures.

DDE-470 patch
picture provided by Jim Clark

Here's a Bache aluminum plaque - 7" diameter - found at a garage sale in
Floresville, TX, by Arthur Keith. Thanks for the picture, Arthur! Nice find!!!
Click for a bigger image. (27 JUL 08)

Here are two more pictures of the Bache at NavSource (see links page):

Picture # 1

Picture # 2


I got an interesting email on 29 MAY 99. Here it is (with permission):

my uncle was on the uss bache,then was on the uss douglas h fox ..he gave me a bracelet with the uss bache medallion on it ..i haven't been able to find out any information about this..i was on the uss douglas h fox on a family day that they had,and went out on this cruise with him but i was young at the time and he doesn't recall where he got this bracelet with that medallion on it..if you know of any info please let me know... thank you very much.....

kandi - [email protected]

And here are scans of the medal she emailed me:



Can anybody help her? Please!


Here's a picture and note received in February, 2002, from Rileen S. White, "King Neptunes's" daughter:

My dad served on the Bache during WWII . . . his nickname was "Lucky" (Dick Smith or Richard E. Smith). I noticed comments by Bob Davis, and his Neptune certificate, my dad played King Neptune and I'm sure it was on the Bache. He also served on the USS Tennessee and was a Pearl Harbor survivor. My dad passed away this year 22 Jan 2002.


U.S.S. Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., DD-850

U.S.S. Warrington, DD-843

Some great Navy links.


USS Bache Home Page Awards


So you miss your navy days, eh? Read this - shipboard life.

Check this out - funny or sad?


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