7 Dimensions of Thought: A T.O.E.

by Chris Boucher

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A. Magnum Opus
7 Dimensions of Thought: A T.O.E.

B. 4-D Perspective
2: Hermes Trismegestus
3: Psyche
4: The Philosopher Stone

C. Subspace

i) Neo-Scientific
1: Spacetime
2: Consciousness
3: Subconsciosness
4: Collective Unconscious

ii) Archo-Scientific
1: The Cosmic Tapestry.
2: I think \ I am.
3: I think.
4: I am.

iii) Archo-Religious
1: God.
2: Man.
3: Siren.
4: Satan.

iv) Neo-Spiritual
1: Mind
2: Mind
3: Mind
4: Mind

D. Aspects of the Theory of Everything Overlooked

The Philosopher's Stone

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