How to Stay Safe While Travelling Abroad

Travelling is a lot of fun, especially if it’s travelling to the exotic location around the globe. But it also exposes you to several infections and health risks. Right and sufficient knowledge can help you stay clear of health hazards and stay healthy during your stay abroad. Yellow fever, malaria, rabies and dengue are some of the most common in many parts of the world. So it’s crucial for your healthy overseas trip that along with packing and applying for visa, you also fix an appointment with a travel physician to get Vaccines for travel.  Here are a few travel health tips that will help you in staying protected and healthy while travelling overseas.

  1. Always carry all the required medication for prominent diseases in the country you are travelling to as it may happen that you may not find that particular medication there. Never forget to carry the prescription as in case you stay longer and run out of your stock you can buy the medication again.
  2. Always practice safe sex and carry condoms as you may not find good quality condoms. Whether condoms are easily available or not, AIDS and other STD are present worldwide.
  3. Buy a good travel insurance otherwise you may end up paying through your nose if you happen to fall ill and need treatment in foreign land.
  4. To avoid dehydration drink a lot of water, especially if you are visiting a country with hot climatic conditions. Packages drinking water is best and if you don’t have access to packaged drinking water them make sure you drink only boiled water.
  5. After administering vaccines for travel, all travel clinics issue you a small notebook which will have the record of the vaccination you have received. This must be kept safely along with your passport as customs authorities can ask you for it at the airport.

Travel clinic of New York City is a leading travel clinic that administers vaccines for travel and is a certified yellow fever clinic. For more information about their services please visit their website