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Now that Dusty's diving, he's trying to sell his space ship.

Congratulations to Dusty for earning certification as a PADI Junior Advanced Open Water diver in 1999!

Dusty's Marina Divers site is still up at in May 2005. Shortly after the site went up, Marina Divers started losing customers and eventually had to close down. We can't figure out why!

Dusty has interesting ideas about what members of his family look like.

When Dusty last changed schools, it was his 4th school in four years, but the frequent moving around doesn't seem to be interfering with his academics. Dusty turned in STRAIGHT "A" REPORT CARDS or ALL FOUR marking periods in his last school in California, where he finished the sixth grade, and he's doing "almost" as well in his new school in Abu Dhabi, finishing out the 1997/98 academic year at his new school on the High Honor Roll. His mom and dad are VERY PROUD of him, and can't argue with Dusty's habit of persisting with computer games and procrastinating on homework and projects till late the night before it's due.

Dusty watches the most TV of anyone in the family (we broke down in California and got one so Bobbi could take distance education classes from Deanza College, though here in Abu Dhabi, I'm not sure why Bobbi got one - Dad). But as long as he's making straight A's, there's not much anyone in our family can say to complain about it.

Dusty has become an award-winning writer.

Dusty especially likes:

This list is a little dated. We haven't been able to get a recent list from Dusty. - Dad

Computer games
Musky the Cat
The Simpsons
Hugs and bargles
Sports: especially football (playing it, not watching it)
Skin and scuba diving (especially around turtles)
Recorders, the instrument

School (Dusty is a STRAIGHT A student, and always makes the Honor Roll)

You can E-mail Dusty directly at [email protected] but he doesn't check there very often from Abu Dhabi.

This was up at Glenn's page when he was in college. Dusty's dad has moved it here:

General Info on studying abroad

Financial Aid

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For comments, suggestions, or further information on this page, contact Vance Stevens, page author and webmaster.

Last updated: May 23, 2005 by Dusty's Dad, not Dusty

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