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This is the 2007 Homepage

of Vance, Bobbi, Glenn, and Dusty


What we were up to in 2007

National Day weekend, December 2007

National Day weekend is cause for celebration in Abu Dhabi. On our four day holiday Bobbi and I stayed one day in the capital and then drove to Oman to do a walk on a mountain in the vicinity of Jebel Kawr. Here are Bobbi's picture from the weekend:

National Day 2007 in Abu Dhabi and Hiking Up Jebel Kawr

Spain and France

In the summer Vance was invited to Spain to deliver lectures on blogging and tagging in language learning:

Here are some pictures taken around San Sebastian, where the lectures were held:

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While there we made some walks in France and Spain in the low and high Pyrenees. The following show has pictures from

Here you can see the pics and partial annotations. Click on a pic to see the larger size with complete annotation

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Here you can see a slide show of all 150 slides, and adjust the speed a the show for as fast or slow an overview as you like.

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Bobbi and I are working on a wiki of our experiences in the Pyrenees: We have done little work on this as of this writing.

Houston and California

Vance's mom is 85 years old. She has had some strokes and shows signs of senility. She is unable to care for herself so I spent a lot of my time there taking care of her. She needs total care, is unable to walk or tend to herself, except that her spirit and appetite are still keen, and she can and will eat most food that is put before her.

Bobbi and I also spent some time with Dusty in California. We arrived there in time for his graduation in June from the University of California, Irvine. He graduated cum laude and with an order of merit. We were very proud of him. His resume was strong in teaching experience (he was selected to assist one of his professors with one of her classes) and he was able to get hired at Pagoda language schools in Korea. He was unable to take the job right away because UCI is unable to process degrees for its June graduates until October, no exceptions. Pagoda have said they will hold his job for him, but after having spent over $30,000 a year for his education, it seems UCI would make it easier for their students to begin earning on the strength of that outlay.

We also got in some hiking with Dusty and his girlfriend Joan. We drove to Palm Springs and took the cable car to the parklands at the top. I had been there before, hiking in snow shoes one late March, with Don Carrol and his dad, Bob. The park is unique because apart from that cable car to the top (and hiking trails up) there are no cars or other vestiges of civilization away from the reception area, which perches at the edge of the parkland at 8,000 feet. When you walk up to the peak of San Jacinto at over 10,000 feet, and locate the wooden structure housing park headquarters, you can see how insignificant that building is compared to the meadows and pine forests through which you walk on the trails going up.

Here are some of Dusty's pictures of the walk.

San Jacinto Peak -- Summer 07

Bobbi has finally put up her pictures here:

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Page updated: December 3, 2007 19:00 GMT

Copyright 2007 by Vance Stevens
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