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Joke of the Month

I don't know why we started calling this the joke of the month. OK, then. Pick a month ...

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

If your tastes run to techie jokes, you'll like these.

The following jokes are presented with truth-in-telling ratings. If after reading the descriptions you find the subject matter may offend you, then we invite you to browse elsewhere. If you like jokes and don't mind if they're a little risqué, then read on and enjoy.

20 reasons why chocolate is better than the next best thing - This is a comprehensive listing of some of the finer qualities of chocolate. Anything read into the discussion would have to be in the eye of the beholder. If you feel this may concern you (you HAVE been warned), don't look.

EEC improves efficiency in communications between government departments - Here's another one you'll have trouble telling in mixed company, but not because it's in any way indecent. This one should appeal to linguists and bureaucrats alike. If this appeals to you, you might also like:

Where did that gesture come from? - This is an etymological puzzle: The 'Car Talk' show (on NPR) with Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers have a feature called the 'Puzzler', and this 'Puzzler' is about the battle of Agincourt. The French, who were overwhelmingly favored to win the battle, threatened to cut a certain body part off of all captured English soldiers so that they could never fight again. The English won in a major upset and waved the body part in question at the French in defiance. The puzzler was: What was this body part? This is the answer was submitted by a listener (how bad could it be; it was on the radio ... wasn't it?)

The Devil in Bill Gates - Finally, a good clean joke. Actually, this one has been around a while, but Bobbi hadn't seen it, so I decided to post it here. It shouldn't offend anyone (not even Bill Gates), but a strong background in math might be needed to get the punch line. There's always a catch, isn't there.

Italian in Malta - This month's joke appeared via the Internet a few months back. It has a U-rating (half-way between R and X; go figgah). It's mildly scatological with the merest mention of sexual encounter. Also, although Italy and its charming people are among our favorite in the entire world, this joke makes fun of Italians (it's a takeoff on an Italian accent, so there's no avoiding it). If, after reading this, you decide you STILL want to read the joke (in fact, you should read it out loud) then ... go for it.

The Lady and the Bank Manager - The language in this joke is pretty tame. However, the punch line makes reference to male genitalia (the same word in another context is the focal point of numerous games such as football, ping pong, billiards, etc. etc.). If this might offend you, then click somewhere else (or if you're a kid, ask your mom first).

The Master Plan - This joke goes one up on Dilbert, but there's this word which can be articulated in polite company in other ways, such as excrement, feces, stool, spoor, and so on. If you are among those who can use one of those words but can't abide a certain other, then don't read this joke, and better not rent any videos either.

The First Toaster - This little gem is a rarity: a good clean joke. However, you'll still have trouble telling it at a cocktail party (but then again, if cleanliness is what attracts you to this joke, you probably don't attend cocktail parties, so that wouldn't matter, but I digress).

A Zen Parable - Another good clean story, if not strictly a joke. Nothing offensive here, unless thy strict fundamentalist dogma hath rendered you intolerant of other religions.

Scientific Breakthrough - A new element is discovered, in effect an anti-catalyst. Oh yeah, this is a perfectly clean one.

Turmoil in Heaven - Is no place on earth (or above it) sacred? This joke could offend the deeply religious or the deeply prudish, but if you can stomach the newspapers these days, you ought to be able to read about just one more scandal.

Humor elsewhere on the Web

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For comments, suggestions, or further information on this page, contact Vance Stevens, page author and webmaster.

Last updated: April 30, 1998; Internal links verified April 5, 1998

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