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The Firewall in the Mind (Slide 4) Right, so what is this talk going to be about?

For some Germans, the wall continued to exist in the mind despite real and significant changes to the topography of their fair city.This is why I chose this title for a keynote address in Nicosia, also a walled city, where there is a conference whose theme is Implementing CALL in EFL: Living up to Expectations. I thought it timely to talk here on modern paradigms for developing CALL compared with the route many expect that development to take. Just as the sudden disappearance of the wall in Berlin caught people with their expectations in need of revision, so have recent developments impacting all aspects of computer-based learning caught many language teaching practitioners unawares and in need of looking anew at their expectations of how languages should be learned and how computers should be used to facilitate that learning.

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Last updated: May 23, 2001 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0
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