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The Firewall in the Mind (Slide 33)
Webheads: meet Felix and Ying Lan

Meanwhile Dave was steering his followers into the Palace and when I moved to Abu Dhabi in 1997 I started hanging out at the Virtual Schoolhouse Palace set up for the EFI by Nettie Tatum while my computer was logged on at work. It was here some time in 1998 that I met Ying Lan, who was taking EFI classes from Vera Mello at the time. Meanwhile still Dave had sent more students my way and I had formed a class called Writing for Webheads which met twice a week at the Palace. My two co-teachers-to-be also held EFI classes at the Palace and we would often overlap; plus we were discovering that our students were there for the Interaction and didn't care much who their teachers were as long as they had teachers. It was in these sessions that I met Felix from Brazil. I'd like to introduce you to both these students at this point.

You can click on their pictures in the site I showed you a moment ago, or you can follow these links:

Felix's website
Ying Lan's website

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Last updated: May 24, 2001 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0
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