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The Firewall in the Mind (Slide 40)
Webheads' Voices - now defunct Excite voice chat

HearMe has been the voice chat client that we have used most successfully. However, HearMe was recently withdrawn from free public use, and its reincarnation Telcopoint has been disappointing for non-paying users. Since then, we have been using an Excite chat room for our voice requirements.

In fact, let's just see if anyone is there ... and GO! Webheads

It had been arranged for the plenary for Webheads teachers and students to meet in the Excite chatroom and to say a few words to the live audience. Ironically, the morning this plenary was given (May 5) there appeared an announcement on the Excite website that voice chat had been discontinued as of May 1, 2001. So, you can reach this slide from the Index, but it's skipped around in the slide progression view.

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Last updated: May 24, 2001 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0
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