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(C)opyright 2003 Vance Stevens

TESOL Course Materials Online:
A description of the EVOnline 2002 sessions and where to find the materials
and selected presentations from the 2002 CALICO and TESOL Conferences

A presentation given at the MLI Tuesday, April 23, 2002

by Vance Stevens, MLI CALL Coordinator

What's this session about? From January thru March 2002, TESOL conducted a series of workshops covering various topics concerning technology and ESL. These immediately preceeded the CALICO and TESOL Conferences in Davis, California and Salt Lake City, Utah. This session introduces various repositories of documents for these sessions and guides participants through them.

1. The TESOL EV(Electronic Village)Online Sessions

Group name Yahoo web address
An Internet Workshop for Beginners: Using existing activities and designing your own
Moderator: JoAnn Miller [email protected]
No new subscriptions are being accepted; use web link at left
Ways to Use Video in the Language Classroom ELTvideoprimer
Moderators: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
To join: [email protected]
Using the Internet in teaching ESL composition Teaching_composition_on-line
Moderator: Jim Kohn [email protected]
To join: [email protected]
CALL and the Human Spirit Human_CALL
Moderator: Elizabeth Hanson-Smith [email protected]
To join: [email protected]
Managing NS-NNS teachers of English: Maintaining equality in the workplace Managing_NS_NNS
Moderator: Aiden Yeh [email protected]
To join: [email protected]
Webheads in Action: Community formation online and its role in language learning
Moderator: Vance Stevens [email protected]
To join: [email protected]

There are two ways to access these sites: the right way and the quick way

What's especially interesting at these sites?

Note: by 'especially interesting' I mean particularly warranting exploration, in the opinion of the presenter, by ESL and FL teachers at the MLI in Abu Dhabi, the intended audience for this presentation

An Internet Workshop for Beginners: Using existing activities and designing your own

This workshop covered various aspects of using Internet with language learners. Although geared toward beginners, the participants were rapidly guided to higher skill levels through a trial and feedback heuristic. The discussion for this workshop attested to the validity of the topics which maintained high interest level of the participants.

Topics getting high ratings include:

Ways to Use Video in the Language Classroom

The documents for this session amount to a handbook on rationale for and use of scenes from full length (and even full length) video in the classroom, and end with practical tips for shooting videos and using them in projects with students. The documents in the files folders at the website are helpfully given as both Word and HTML files, and sometimes even PowerPoint (for web access the HTML files are easiest to view, but the PowerPoints are effective if in presentation mode/mood).

Topics of particular interest:

Using the Internet in teaching ESL composition

This site was particularly interesting due to its emphasis on Markin. However, references to and even postings discussing Markin appear to have been removed from the website at this time. Even in two works explaining and linking to Markin, one by Tom Robb and another by Martin Holmes, the links providing access to Markin do not connect. There are still documents here pertaining to using the Internet in composition instruction.

Some links:

About Markin, which is not easy to find ... here's info available April 2002

This just in from Martin Holmes, January 31, 2003

Markin is alive and well and living here:

It is, and always has been, entirely my own work. Roy Bowers, prior to his death, was doing some interesting experimentation with online marking which I mentioned here back in 1996:

I had already written the first version of Markin, for my own use, before I came across his work; as far as I remember, he was using an entirely online system, whereas Markin is a standalone Windows application that produces HTML pages. It's currently in version 3, and has been on release as commercial shareware for many years. To my knowledge, no other application has been called "Markin" apart from mine, and Roy Bowers never used the name "Markin" in relation to any of his work. Markin has always been published by my brother's company, Creative Technology, in the UK (along with TexToys); Creative is also responsible for, in collaboration with our own company, Half-Baked Software. I wrote about Markin in this article:

"Approaches to Marking Electronic Texts". (Conference presentation and article) Proceedings of the FLEAT III Conference; IALL Journal, Vol. 31 No. 3. University of Victoria; IALL. 1997; 1999.

Many years ago, the Website for my applications at Creative was here: . That URL has been obsolete for several years, and redirects were switched off a few years after the change to

CALL and the Human Spirit

The documents here provide current insights on the rationale of CALL, particularly as it pertains to the human interface. This session served as a lead-up to the CALL-IS Academic Session which was webcast from Salt Lake City in live audio and video.

Sample readings at

Managing NS-NNS teachers of English: Maintaining equality in the workplace

This session explored the many tensions between native and non-native target language speakers in the workplace, often in the same jobs but with unequal status and pay. The session examined the many positive and negative aspects of this relationship and their ramifications. Depth of discussion was provided by the occasional appearance of highly regarded figures who set up websites and led discussions for a week or so.

Webheads in Action: Community formation online and its role in language learning

Patterned on a community of language learners that has been meeting consistently online for three years, this session set out to apply principles learned in that endeavor toward the formation of a community of peers (a community of practice). The community engaged intensively for 8 weeks in comprehensive exploration of various synchronous and asynchronous online multimedia (text, video, and audio) communications tools. Evidence that a community of practice was indeed formed lies in the fact that rather than disbanding, the community continues to engage in frequent email exchange and synchronous online encounters a month after the 'end' of the session.

Some syllabus items:

2. Selected presentations from the 2002 CALICO and TESOL Conferences

CALICO 2002 Annual Symposium: Creating Virtual Language Learning Communities - March 26 - March 30, 2002, University of California, Davis

Gently Down the Stream John Vitaglione, LARC, San Diego State University

The 'Best' of TESOL 2002: Language and the Human Spirit - April 9-13, 2002, Salt Lake City, Utah

Using QuickTime in CALL Multimedia Materials Development, Douglas Mills, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Greg Kessler, Ohio University, Athens; Claire Bradin Siskin, University of Pittsburgh

The presenters have created a web site showing how to create QT panoramas and make elements in them hyperlinkable (for example to other panoramas, hence the means to create interactive virtual reality materials a la Escape from Planet Arizona). They also show how to trigger events in movies that open other html documents (in separate frames, while the movie continues running for example).; actual QT video taken live at TESOL presentation here:

Links to Internet Fair presentations

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contact Vance Stevens, page webmaster.

Last updated: January 31, 2003 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0

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