For more news of what we've been up to in 2002, visit the Stevens Family Homepage

Wishing you and yours the best of

Seasons Greetings 2002
and Peace this New Year 2003

From Vance, Glenn, Bobbi, and Dusty Stevens

At one of the two 5000 meter passes we crossed this summer in Ladakh

Ghosts from Christmases past: 1998-1999 | 2000 | 2001

Seasons greetings from the Webheads, Vance's charming online community of language learners

Family doings this past year:

For Christmas we're doing something unusual the year. Glenn was not able to pull away from work in California and join us, so the rest of us are flying to Bangkok Christmas day and traveling to neighboring countries, probably Laos. Bobbi and Dusty need to return to school after a week, but Vance plans to continue north into China and maybe come back through Viet Nam. One possibiility is to meet up with one of my Webheads colleagues, Yaodong, in Guilin. We'll have to see how it goes.

For comments, suggestions, or further information on this page, contact Vance Stevens, page author and webmaster.

Last updated: December 25, 2002

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