On December 17, 2006 I submitted a FOIA (FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT) request to the Central Intelligence Agency asking for information concerning my employment with them from 1968 to 1975.  I needed to verify my time worked with them to document the quarters needed to qualify for basic Social Security benefits.  By law, this FOIA information is supposed to be released within 20 DAYS.  Documents were finally released on July 30, 2009, over 30 MONTHS from the acknowledged receipt of my FOIA request.  This was far to late for me to qualify for any Social Security Retirement Benefits.  The CIA openly operates without regard to any law, but then I always knew that.


I now have over 200 pages of Documents in my possession, some of which I am very tempted to post here.  But common sense dictates that it might be more wise to let a sleeping dog lie.  So, for now, this page is just "UNDER CONSTRUCTION."  Below are the CIA letters confirming receipt of my FOIA request and the date of their response.