The border-radius property allows you to add rounded corners to elements.
colleagues may deride HTML/CSS & go out of their way to avoid sullying their hands with it, but not you. You realize it’s one of the most expressive, versatile, freeing UI description formats to ever come around. And it’s deployed everywhere. Plus - with a dash of brains, a few sane conventions, and good tooling - it’s really not that bad all.
colleagues may deride HTML/CSS & go out of their way to avoid sullying their hands with it, but not you. You realize it’s one of the most expressive, versatile, freeing UI description formats to ever come around. And it’s deployed everywhere. Plus - with a dash of brains, a few sane conventions, and good tooling - it’s really not that bad all.
bellas manos que cortaban las flores del huerto han desaparecido ya hace tiempo. Hoy solo quedan en la casa un hombre y un niño. El niño anda solo por el jardin, por la calle, por el patio. Desde que murio la madre solo se preocupan

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