VG/AH Theory Homepage

The main essays below have been arranged in a specific order. Although it is not a requirement, we do recommend that they be read in this order. If you see anything that catches your interest, or about which you have questions or comments, please direct them to José Hunter or Rebecca Gatherer.

VG/AH Theory Main Essays
The Differences Between VG and AH
(A Brief Summary)
Essay One - Hunters And Gatherers
Essay Two - Hunters Or Gatherers (Under Construction)
Essay Four - Why Humans Seek Intensity
Essay Five - What Exactly Is Distractibility? (Under Construction)
Essay Six - How Hunters Evolved
Essay Seven - Hunter Baby, Gatherer Baby
Essay Eight - Why Gatherers Hate “Hunterized” Farmer Math
(Under Construction)
Essay Nine - My god, How Does He Function?
(a.k.a. Comorbid With Insanity) (Under Construction)
Essay Ten - The Paradoxical Effect (Under Construction)
Essay Eleven - The Hunter/Gatherer Family Goes Shopping
(Under Construction)
Essay Twelve - The Dual Continua of VG/AH Theory
Remarks About The Essays
Hallowell on VG and AH
Barkley on VG and AH
Dyslexia in VGs and AHs
Teaching VGs and AHs
José’s and Redstar’s response
(to Barkley’s critique of Hartmann’s Metaphor)
The “Blindspot” - September 4th, 2000
Gatherer “Gnarly Powers”
Hunter “Gnarly Powers” (Under Construction)
Einstein the VSL?
(A ToT discussion of how the VSL relates to VG/AH Theory)
The Bell Curve
(A ToT discussion of how the controversial book relates to VG/AH Theory)

Other Related Material
Glossary of Terms
The History of VG/AH Theory
A History of Explanations
(Adapted from Hallowell)
Asperger’s Criteria
(applied to José)
Matthew’s Story
(Adapted from an Online Article)
The History of the Math Achievement Project
Dubya the AH
Left and Right Brain Modes
General Definition of Dyslexia
The Benzene Molecule
(Evolution of molecular models of benzene)
The Axiom of Choice
(An unprovable assumption in theoretical mathematics)

Other Links
The Mighty Elements of the Universe
(Links to José’s Earth Wind & Fire album reviews)
Thom Hartmann’s ADHD Forum (ToT)

Current ToT Threads About VG/AH TheoryReplies
The Millennium Thread (aka VG/AH Yet Again)57
Auto-Immune Disorders14
Imbalances (VG/AH Yet Again) (pg 1)90
Imbalances (VG/AH Yet Again) (pg 2)90
The AH Trap (aka “Dawg_Pile in the Desert”)9
José’s Temperament6
Of Historical Significance (1/30/02)20
Logic: Symbolic Vs. Verbal36
Why Gatherers Hate “Hunterized” Farmer Math10
Consequences of VG/AH Theory3
FAQs About VG/AH Theory74
ToT Directory4
ToT Harmony46
FAQs on VG/AH Theory (Part 2)45
FAQs on VG/AH Theory (Part 3) (pg1)113
FAQs on VG/AH Theory (Part 3) (pg2)113
For Hartmann (and everyone else)56
V.G.A.H. Reading Diagnostic Report3
Tonight I’m Gonna Party...20
The Bi-Millenium Thread (aka VG/AH Lingers)12

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