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Admin Administrator/Manager - Happy Birthday to Paul ter Voorde - 16th August 2004


Happy Birthday to Krankzinnig Studio's, Paul ter Voorde (16th Birthday) doesn't time go quick!!! Well his movie is going great and I still havn't got any movies! So I've got an idea if you can be bothered to read to the bottom!


Ok, for my new flash movie I'm going to be doing a Sprite animation! So it will involve Mario....I will need a title, some sprite pages, some storyline ect. CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE TOPIC!

Videogame DC
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Fireball World
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Admin Administrator/Manager - The Styles for Randy Solem in the new Bored Kids 2! - 15th August 2004


Paul ter Voorde sent me a picture of some styles of Randy Solem in his upcoming movies 'Bored Kids 2' with the adventures of Ted and Jasper! If you would like to see Bored Kids 1 go to Krankzinning Studio and find it in the Cartoons section, anyway underneath we will show the 2 styles of Randy Solem:

Randy Solem styles

LMAO, their you go Randy Solem in Bored Kids Style! As shark flash said, he might get beat up by Ted and Jasper or he might just be a weird person who just shows up,

Keep looking out for it in Krankzinnig Studio and Newgrounds!


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Graphics and Cartoons and such as are copyright to Simon Bannister 2004. Please DO NOT use any of my stuff without permission from me. Site best viewed at 800 X 600 resoultion!

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