Victor Bril
A Kinetic Theory of Gravity and the Principles of a Unified Theory of Physical Reality 
(Digest of a monograph)

Русская версия[email protected]

Being unified in its entirety, the Nature is diverse. Therefore, the process of its studying (at least the initial stage of it) necessarily implies a sort of differentiation; mental subdivision of the variety of the objects and processes involved into more or less independent (or appearing to be so) spheres, being the subject of investigation of different fields of natural science (the theory of gravity, electrodynamics, astrophysics, etc.), the achievements of which are obvious.

A thorough study of separate fragments of a dissected frog's anatomy does not bring us any closer to the understanding of the problems related to their joint functioning in its organism as a whole.

The situation in modern natural science is much the same: having split the sphere of knowledge into several fields, we now find ourselves unable to combine them. Thus, the theory of gravity still remains isolated from other physical theories, and long-lasting efforts by Einstein and other researchers aimed at constructing a Unified theory of field have so far been ineffective. An important step in this direction has been made in V. Bril�s monograph �A Kinetic Theory of Gravity and the Principles of a Unified Theory of Physical Reality� (St.Petersburg, �Nauka�, 436 p.) issued in 1995. The essential feature of the work is that it provides a theoretical background for the foundations of a Unified theory of physical reality comprising not only a theory of fields but also that of matter.

The successful result has been achieved through introducing two basic postulates:

    1. Jean Lesage's hypothesis of the existence of a background of space particles responsible for the origin of the gravitation effect,
    2. an assumption that the particles are string-shaped and long-stretched (the latter was sufficient to eliminate the contradictions of Jean Lesage's hypothesis to the observations results, pointed out by Henri Poincare, Hendrik Antoon Lorentz and others).

Within the Unified theory of Physical Reality it has been found that:




1. There exists only one type of elementary particles, i.e. a fundamental string (to be more precise, a thin flexible rod with flexural rigidity) - an element of any structure in physical reality. Field structures being composed of undeformed strings, and material objects - of deformed ones.

2. A differential equation has been set up and solved for a thin deformed rod rotating round an axis passing through its mass center.

3. It has been found that the rest energy of a particle is the sum of the potential energy of the rod and its kinetic energy of rotation: when there is no deformation, there is no rest energy (a field particle).

4. An undeformed particle, moving transitionally with a zero attack angle, has a nearly zero section (probability) of interaction with a detector, i.e. it is virtual for an observer. To make it observable, one only has either to increase its attack angle, or to deform it (in the first case, it will become a photon or a graviton, in the second one - a particle of matter).

nucleon5. The difference between various stable elementary particles is only in the number of nodes of a deformed rapidly rotating string, the values of their theoretical self-energies being close to the observed ones.

6. The formula e = hn has been generalized, the Planck constant h being expressed in terms of the fundamental constants of the theory.

7. A theoretical derivation of the Lorentz longitudinal contraction and other effects of the Special theory of relativity as the results of the interaction of a moving particle with the background has been given.

8. A formerly unknown Law of conservation of the number of particles has been formulated.

9. The pile structure of the atomic nucleus has been ascertained and a number of observed consequences of the structure have been theoretically inferred.

10. The interaction of matter and the background causes adequate changes in both interacting entities, the matter generally slowly extracting some of the background particles' kinetic energy (the fundamental and universal process of the background-energy extraction - BEE).

11. A law analytically describing this process has been derived; the BEE rates have been evaluated as being extremely low.

12. At the level of the elementary particles of matter the BEE results in an extremely slow increase in the lateral deformation of the fundamental rod (string).

13. The increase in the rest energy of nucleons within the structure of an atomic nucleus results in the decrease in their binding energy and, finally, in the degradation of the compound nucleus into smaller and smaller fragments, down to the hydrogen atom nucleus - a proton (a well-known process of natural radioactivity).

14. The physical nature of superconductivity and superfluidity, as well as the ways of increasing the corresponding temperatures, have been established.

Besides that, the physical significance of Bohr's postulates, tunneling effects, Pontecorvo oscillation, de Brogue waves, zero oscillations, the Planck energy and the vector boson energy has been ascertained. The Doppler effect formula, the generalized Balmier formula, the section formula for the Compton dispersion, the Heisenberg indeterminacy principle and many other derivations have been analytically inferred.




15. While interacting with matter (see p.10), the second entity (i.e. the background) is also subject to changes. These changes induced by the substance into the background are qualified by an observer as various types of fields (gravitational, electromagnetic, biological, etc.).

The background particles start moving following curved paths.

16. A massive body's BEE results in the neighboring anisotropy of the density of the flow of this energy, and within an anisotropic flow of self-similar particles the background particles start moving following curved paths.

17. The totality of the curvature values of the averaged paths of background particles, passing through the fixed spatial-temporal point, is described by a curvature tenser, whereas the pulse and energetic situation in the neighborhood of the point is described by an energy and pulse tenser.

18. Moving progressively in a test body and following the curved path, the background particle affects it with a force that is proportional to the curvature of the path and that is directed to its center. It is here that the deep physical significance of the equations of the Einstein�s General theory of relativity lies.

19. Within a body coordinate system, the paths of background particles can go askew not only in the neighborhood of gravitating masses, but also in case of the body's accelerated movement relatively to the background (to be more precise, relatively to the local coordinate system in which the background is isotropic).

20. Thus, both the gravitational and inertial forces are of the same origin, i.e. the curvature (however, variously originated) of the paths of the background particles within a test body. Hence follows the equality of the inertial and gravitational masses.

21. A formerly unknown Unified law of inertia and gravity has been formulated.

22. The Law of gravity has been inferred theoretically, a special case of it for low gravitational fields being the Law of gravity by Newton.

23. The origin of the antigravitational effect has been established.

24. The expression of the gravitational �constant� in terms of the Unified theory of physical reality has been obtained, and the nature of the possible deviations of this �constant� has been ascertained.

25. The physical nature of the independence of the velocity of light on that of its source and the conventionality of the analogous statement for the light receiver have been ascertained.

26. A new interpretation of the results of the Michaelson experiment has been given.

27. The resistance of the background to the massive bodies' movement relative to it has been proved to be extremely low.




28. The degradation of an atomic nucleus brought about by the BEE (see p.13), in complete accordance with an ingenious hypothesis by the Academician V.A.Ambartsumyan results in an expansion (deconsolidation) of all astrophysical bodies. A black hole, a neutron star, a white dwarf, a regular star are various stages of this process, the rates of which are greatly dependent on the fact whether the object possesses a solid crystal crust or not.

29. The crust keeps holding in the entrails expansion until the expanding strain exceeds its endurance limit.

30. The release of the accumulated energy having been extracted from the background results in a global cataclysm that may lead to one of the following consequences: a) to the formation of a new fissure in the crust or an expansion of an existing one (a global cataclysm of the 1-st class, GC1), b) to the ejection of the entrails matter into the environment (GC2), c) to the complete self-destruction of the object (GC3).


31. GC1 is closely related with the genesis of pulsars, capable of an anisotropic radiation through the fissure in the crust of the neutron star, as well as with the climate of Venus. The formation of planets and their satellites can probably be caused by GC2 of larger mother objects (stars and planets, respectively). GC3 is responsible for the formation of multiple stars, asteroid belts, comets, meteorites, etc.

32. The methods for the theoretical prognostication of GC have been proposed.

33. It has been proved that at a certain moment while extracting the background energy and deconsolidating, the black hole matter comes from under the horizon (a burst of a Supernova, an �anticollapse�). A differential equation has been set up and solved for the black hole mass alteration caused by its extraction of the background energy. It has been shown that its mass can be no less than 31030 g.

34. A black hole is rather a �cradle� of substance than its �grave�.

35. The problem of the asymmetry of a baryon charge in the Universe has been solved.

36. The well-known empirical mass - luminosity dependence has been theoretically inferred.

37. Quanta radiated by distant sources give some of their energy to the background while interacting with the latter (�redden�), however, without dispersing as long as their energy highly exceeds that of virtual (background) particles. The product h H of the Planck constant and the Hubble constant is the average amount of energy lost by a quantum during one interaction with the background.

38. Relic photons are nothing but quanta almost virtualized in the process of their interaction with the background, therefore they are already dispersing at the background particles and their sources can't be observed as point objects.

39. The Metagalaxy radius is the path along which all photons are being virtualized, i.e. the basic sources of the virtual (background) particles are most probably outside the Metagalaxy.

40. Within the given concept, both the dispersal of galaxies as the sole explanation of the observed cosmological red shift and the Big Bang hypothesis become questionable.

The Unified theory of physical reality gives grounds for considering all the evolutional and catastrophic processes observed in the Universe from a unified point of view, without applying any ad-hoc hypotheses. It opens a fresh view upon the genesis and development of not only pulsars, but also those of galaxies, black holes, Supernovae, new flare stars, cepheids, planets, their satellites, small bodies, barsters, g-bursts, etc. The book also gives the basing for the hypothesis of the cyclic development of matter, thus assuming the possibility of the existence of the eternal �stationary� and endless Universe.




41. The Pickering�s hypothesis of the tectonic ejection of the Moon by the Earth has been given grounds in terms of energy. Numerous observed phenomena as well as a quantitative analysis within the Unified theory of physical reality praying the possibility of the GC2 are described.

42. The Vegener�s hypothesis of the drift of the continents has been given grounds in terms of energy.

43. The hypothesis of the expansion of the Earth has been given grounds in terms of energy: the concept of �radial mobilism� has been formulated.

44. The energy extracted by the Earth from the background as well as its part responsible for the expansion of the planet have been theoretically calculated. It permitted to give a forecast of the rate of the expansion, later proved by geophysical observations.

The Flood

45. The physical nature of the global cataclysms has been ascertained and the grounds for their theoretical prognostication have been laid.

46. The processes attendant to GCl as applied to the Earth have been described, being in detailed compliance with the Flood in the Old Testament.

47. The global and local preconditions for the catastrophically rapid collapse of vast areas of the Earth's crust during a GCl have been described. The amplitude of such collapses can be as big as several kilometers, and so some light can be thrown on the physical nature and mechanism of such cataclysms as the destruction of Atlantis, "Lemuria" in the Indian Ocean  and "Pacifida" in the Pacific Ocean which have so far been considered impossible.

48. A most important gnosiological conclusion has been inferred, that of the self-preservation instinct being a most powerful stimulus for the development of the natural science.

49. A classification of earthquakes has been given. The physical nature of various types of earthquakes has been ascertained.

50. The methods for the tectonic discharge of seismologically dangerous areas have been developed, providing complete safety of people and domestic animals during earthquakes.

51. A method for increasing the efficiency factor of oil and gas deposits has been developed.

52. It has been predicted that the Earth, as other astrophysical bodies, must educe endogenous hydrogen as the final product of the degradation of atomic nuclei (see p.13). Within the Unified theory of physical reality the most likely points of the accumulation of this precious ecologically safe fuel can be specified.




Many other geophysical facts and processes have been considered, the Unified theory of physical reality being an instrument for their better understanding, i.e. the drift of the continents, the deceleration of the Earth's rotation, the vault uplifts, the warm and cold circumantarctic currents in the oceans, the superrotation of the Earth's atmosphere (and that of Venus), the inversion of a magnetic dipole, the rift areas, the magnetic lineaments, folded mountains, glacial epochs...

The above mentioned is just a small part of more than two hundred of consequences of the Unified theory of physical reality in micro-, macro-, astro- and geophysics formulated in the present monograph. None of them goes contrary to the observations and strictly established laws (in particular, the laws of conservation, the Newton�s law of gravity, the equations of the Einstein's General theory of relativity, etc.)

Many of the consequences are prognostic, some of them having already been proved quantitatively.

The monograph also offers numerous practical applications for the Unified theory of physical reality.

This book is now being translated into English under the title Principles of a Unified Theory of Physical Reality, and will be published in Russia.

We also should be extremely grateful if you would disseminate this information to organizations to which and individuals to whom you think the book might be of interest.

Our e-mail address is: [email protected]

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