"Freedom's Edge" by Victoria Ginn

A photographer’s journey and imprisonment in Afghanistan

In 1978 24-year old Victoria Ginn travelled to Afghanistan to photograph wild places and the people who live there. In May the government was deposed in a coup, the precursor to a Soviet invasion and the ongoing conflict that has all but destroyed that magnificent country.

Political intrigue builds quickly to war as Victoria becomes embroiled in a personal nightmare. Tricked by lecherous officials, accused of smuggling hashish, her cameras stolen, she is thrown into prison for ‘one night’. Weeks go by and there, among her fellow prisoners, this ingenuous traveller recognises the powerlessness of her gender and her individuality.

Released under ‘hotel arrest’ to pursue her case Victoria’s freedom is short-lived as the country disintegrates into war. Thrown back into prison she is armed this time with an ally – the aristocratic Assilan – and a camera.

Freedom's Edge is the poetic and true story of a young woman’s journey through a harsh, alien culture, illustrated by rare images of the Afghani people and, most extraordinary of all, photographs of the women who shared her captivity. .

Freedom's Edge, by Victoria Ginn, published by Hazard Press, $39.95 ISBN 1-877161-66-1

"This book is the fulfilment of a promise made to myself in Afghanistan, when I did not know if I would live or die." Victoria Ginn

Reviews and Commentaries for Freedom's Edge

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The book and film rights are still available for the first edition of Victoria's book. If you have any queries or wish to contact Victoria you can email her administrator Contact Victoria Ginn

To view some of Victoria's photographic work please click on the link below.

Photos from The Awakening Heart series, 1997, Papua New Guinea

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