Greetings from Delivers Science Fiction and Fantasy Video

Editor, Sam Sutherland

* Word for Word: Liam Neeson, Jedi Master in "Star Wars:
Episode I, The Phantom Menace"
* New and Notable: "Terry Pratchett's Discworld: The Wyrd
Sisters," "Tom Clancy's Netforce," and "The Hidden"
* Wayback Machines: Time Travel Classics
* Editor's Choice: "Excalibur"
* Advance Orders: "The Matrix," "The Invisible Man," and

"The wonderful thing about the first 'Star Wars' was how the
actors sold it. That was what made it work for me: their
nonchalance. They had to make it seem like this reality was
everyday stuff for them. I tried to do the same thing, to be
kind of throwaway with it." --Liam Neeson on his jump to
light speed as one of the stars of "Star Wars: Episode I,
The Phantom Menace."

Read's interview with Neeson at
Science Fiction & Fantasy

"Tom Clancy's Netforce" (NR)
starring Scott Bakula and Joanna Going; directed by Robert
Bestselling author Clancy takes the producer's chair in this
thriller, originally broadcast on network TV. This time,
Clancy steps a few years in the future, where terrorism
literally spins the Web in a shadowy collusion between
organized crime and ruthless high-tech industrialists. Look
for Judge Reinhold's variation on a certain centi-
billionaire from Washington State, and supporting roles for
Kris Kristofferson and Brian Dennehy.

"The Hidden" (R)
starring Michael Nouri and Kyle MacLachlan; directed by Jack
A riveting, canny fusion of sci-fi and horror, this 1987
feature belies its modest budget and somewhat derivative
story line (which evokes "Invasion of the Body Snatchers")
through edge-of-the-seat direction, nifty plot twists, and a
reliably (and appropriately) spacey performance by Kyle
MacLachlan ("Dune," "Twin Peaks"). From the heavy-metal car
chase that jump-starts the action to the creepy, unsettling
denouement, you'll be glad you found "The Hidden."

"Terry Pratchett's Discworld: The Wyrd Sisters" (NR)
starring Christopher Lee
The world IS flat, after all, in Terry Pratchett's droll,
fanciful fantasy cycle, which has proven a cult favorite in
print. Now Pratchett's vision of this alternate reality
arrives as an animated miniseries that captures the spirit
of Pratchett's books and the humor of the three slightly
batty witches who shape the story.

Talk about reruns: the idea of traveling through time has
fascinated authors since Mark Twain and H.G. Wells, and
moviemakers have been trying to beat the clock since early
in science fiction history. contributor Bryan
Reesman goes reeling through the years to reconsider time-
hopping features from "The Time Machine" to "The
Science Fiction & Fantasy

"Excalibur" (R)
starring Nicol Williamson and Nigel Terry; directed by John
Director John Boorman revitalizes the legend of King Arthur
and the Knights of the Round Table in this stylish, darkly
compelling conception of the Camelot myth. Lush Irish
locales, riveting (and bloody) battle sequences, and a
smoldering eroticism underscore an Arthurian story that
contemplates the collision of paganism with an approaching
new order. The great cast includes Helen Mirren, as well as
early screen time for two young Irishmen named Liam Neeson
and Gabriel Byrne.

"The Matrix" (R) releases September 21 (DVD only)
starring Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne; directed by
Andy and Larry Wachowski
Here comes another irresistible inducement to plunge into
DVD--the release of the Wachowski brothers' electrifying
cyber-thriller, which spins its tale of virtual reality and
alien infiltration into a giddy cocktail of videogame-
influenced effects, balletic Hong Kong martial arts
displays, and cosmic cool. As the hacker-turned-rebel Neo,
Keanu Reeves regains the action-hero momentum he lost after
"Speed," while pokerfaced Laurence Fishburne holds the
twisty plot together with his grave charisma. As Neo is wont
to say, "Whoa!"

"The Invisible Man" (NR) releases August 31
starring Claude Rains; directed by James Whale
Now you see him, now you don't, in H.G. Wells's classic tale
of a scientist's experiment gone awry, which serves as a
cautionary lesson about technology's capacity for
corruption. Rereleased as part of Universal's nifty series
of enduring horror movies from the '30s and '40s, "The
Invisible Man" boasts a mesmerizing star turn by Claude
Rains, who doesn't let invisibility (or miles of gauze)
prevent him from dominating the story, and witty direction
from James Whale, who gives the 1933 evergreen a fizzy
energy in its depiction of the dotty villagers Rains

"Labyrinth" (PG) releases September 21
starring David Bowie; directed by Jim Henson
Buoyed by the generation-spanning success of the Muppets,
and emboldened by the new horizons for cinematic effects,
the late Jim Henson followed the ambitious, all-puppet
fantasy of "The Dark Crystal" with this blend of live actors
and Henson creatures. With a script from Monty Python's
Terry Jones, David Bowie as the seductive King of the
Goblins, and a lovely Jennifer Connolly in her screen debut
as the plucky heroine, this is an alternately comic, scary
quest that will appeal to kids as well as fantasy fans.


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