Movies I highly recommend. I choose these films based not on special effects or amazing action, but because they have great characters and strong stories. Click on to visit the Internet Movie Database. To purchase the movie from AMAZON.COM, click on the Title.
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All Quiet on the Western Front (Best Picture Oscar/AFI#54)
When it comes to dying for country, it's better not to die at all.

Apocalypse Now (AFI#28)
War is a mass expression of insanity.

Before Sunrise
Can the greatest romance of your life last only one night?

Ben-Hur (Best Picture Oscar/Golden Globe/AFI#72)
A Tale of Christ. A Roman slave seeks reunion with his family.

The Best Years of Our Lives (Best Picture Oscar/Golden Globe/AFI#37)
Some War Veterans Come Back to Happy Families... Some Come Back to Sad Times.

Casablanca (Best Picture Oscar/AFI#2)
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walked into mine.

Citizen Kane (AFI#1)

Crimson Tide
The most powerful man in the world: The Captain of a nuclear submarine.

Dances with Wolves (Best Picture Oscar/Golden Globe/AFI#75)
The Civil War had ended, but one man's battle with himself was just beginning...

Das Boot (The Boat)
When the hunters become the hunted.

Death of a Salesman (1985)
The American Dream turns to Tragedy.

Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet
The death of syphillis.

Doctor Zhivago (Best Picture Golden Globe/AFI#39)
A Love Caught in the Fire of Revolution

Driving Miss Daisy (Best Picture Oscar)
Two stubborn folks... one life.

The English Patient (Best Picture Oscar/Golden Globe)
In memory, love lives forever.

The Elephant Man
I am not an animal! man!

The Fighting Sullivans
The sacrifices of World War II.

Forrest Gump (Best Picture Oscar/Golden Globe/AFI#71)
Life is like a box of never know what you're gonna get.

Mob justice.

Strange drama of a captive sweetheart!

There is no gene for the human spirit.

The Civil War's first black fighting unit.

Goodbye Mr. Chips
A world always young.

Murderers come with smiles.

The Good Earth
Famine, revolution, death, betrayal, and human spirit.

Gone with the Wind (Best Picture Oscar/AFI#4)
The destruction and rebirth of the South.

The Great Dictator: Adenoid Hynkel
Greed has poisoned men's souls; has barricaded the world with hate.

The root of all evil...

The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939)
Sad tale of a deformed man...

It's A Wonderful Life (AFI#11)
One man's life touches so many others...

Julius Caesar (1953)
Friends, Romans, Countrymen... lend me your ear!

The Killing Fields
A nightmarish vision of one of history's darkest moments.

Lady and the Tramp
She's from the leash and license set... he's footloose and collar free!

Lawrence of Arabia (Best Picture Oscar/Golden Globe/AFI#5)
T.E. Lawrence rewrites the political history of Saudi Arabia.

The Lion King
Remember who you are. You are my son and the one true king. Remember...

Little Women (1933)
A story about four sisters and their dreams.

The Miracle Worker (1962)
A blind/deaf/mute girl learns to touch the world.

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (AFI#29)
A fight against political corruption.

Mutiny on the Bounty (Best Picture Oscar/AFI#86)
A tyrant on the high seas.

North By Northwest (AFI#40)
The Master of Suspense presents a 3000-mile chase across America!

Of Mice and Men (1992)
We have a dream. Someday, we'll have a place to call home.

Paths of Glory
the roll of the drums... the click of the rifle-bolts... the last cigarette...

Patton (Best Picture Oscar/AFI#89)
Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men.

Penny Serenade
Music, memories, and tragedies.

A Place in the Sun (Best Picture Golden Globe/AFI#92)
I'm in trouble, George... bad trouble.

Planet of the Apes
Somewhere in the Universe, there must be something better than man!

Psycho (1960) (AFI#18)
Oh God mother, blood! Blood!

Rear Window (AFI#42)
We've become a race of Peeping Toms.

Rebel Without a Cause (AFI#59)
To Belong...and be loved.

Romeo & Juliet (1968)
No ordinary love story...

Saving Private Ryan
In the Last Great War, The Greatest Challenge for Eight Men was Saving... One.

Schindler's List (Best Picture Oscar/Golden Globe/AFI#9)
Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.

The Sea Hawk (1940)
Sail to high adventure with 'The Robin Hood of the Sea.'

The Search
Orphaned by World War, a boy searches for his mother.

Sergeant York
One of America's greatest heroes.

Gluttony * Greed * Sloth * Envy * Wrath * Pride * Lust

The Seven Samurai
The Mighty Warriors Who Became Seven National Heroes

The Shawshank Redemption
Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.

The Shop Around the Corner
A secret romance.

The Sound of Music (Best Picture Oscar/AFI#55)
She brought music back into their lives.

Star Wars (Hugo Winner/AFI#15))
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Suddenly, Last Summer
A psychological journey into insanity.

Thirty Seconds over Tokyo
America's revenge for Pearl Harbor.

Titanic (1997) (Best Picture Oscar/Golden Globe)
Collide with destiny.

To Kill A Mocking Bird (AFI#34)
Depression-Era rascism arises from rape.

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (AFI#30)
They sold their souls...

The Truman Show
Fake Scenery, Fake Plots, and one Real Person

12 Angry Men
Life or death is in the hands of the jury!

2001: A Space Odyssey (Hugo Winner/AFI#22)
The Ultimate Trip.

Vertigo (AFI#61)
Alfred Hitchcock engulfs you in a whirlpool of terror and tension!

West Side Story (Best Picture Oscar/Globe/AFI#41)
A musical version of Romeo & Juliet set in New York.

When Harry Met Sally...
Can a man and a woman... just be friends?

The Wizard of Oz (AFI#6)
There's no place like home.

Yankee Doodle Dandy (AFI#100)
All-time patriotic show tunes from George M. Cohan.

AFI=American Film Institute's 100 Best Films: 1896-1996

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