Welcome to the Fuller's home page. This is our family pictures from Disney World. We celebrate our wedding anniversary big every year. One year we went to Kennedy Space Center and watched the night launch of the space shuttle going to fix the Hubble. WOW!!! Then we went on a cruise to the Bahamas WOW!!! Then we spent a week in Disney World WOW!!! Best vacation I ever had. If you want to know the best way to do any of these things JUST ASK ME.
When Jim and I married 12-12-90 we decided to be newlyweds forever. This is 17 years later and he still makes me weak in the knees. It's the only way to be married. Happily. If you want to know how to do this JUST ASK ME. I am a ski instructor at Seven Springs Mountain Resort. If you need a lesson JUST ASK ME
This is my oldest son Christian and our #2 granddaughter Maeve. They live in Maine. Our first grandchild is the beautiful blonde curly haired princess named Brigit. Her favorite color is YELLOW. Our second granddaughter Maeve is the baby with the roses. I taught all of my grandchildren to ski. If you want to know how to spoil your grandchildren JUST ASK ME.
  This is the youngest of our four children, Brittany. Once I heard that raising teenagers is like nailing jello to a tree so if you want to know anything about raising teenagers, DON'T ASK ME!!!
This is our youngest grandson and Brittany's baby. Alonzo Isaiah. He was the youngest skier at Seven Springs He was not even two when I taught him to ski.
The winter of 2003/2004 at two years old our baby grandson Alonzo is skiing at Seven Springs.
And biking on the Montour Trail
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