Falki Esha
"Spark of Desire"
The two words had been muted whispers in alleyways throughout the lands of the realm for quite a time, perhaps a good fifteen years. The tender fifteen years of her lifetime after she�d discovered her talent. Perched precariously between that which was desired and that which was scorned, she walked the line twain the two with unfaltering steps as did all the others of her profession �at least, all those who were worth their salt-. The only difference was that this sublime vision didn�t care whose toes she stepped on or whose hell she burned in� or if she burned at all. She was a living legend in her own home city, a woman who embodied the myths that only a man could dream up. Her name meant Spark of Desire and to her credit, she�d lived up to it quite well. Prized and persecuted, renowned and revered and right there within the reach of the wretched, the downtrodden and the filth of the city. The notorious girl garnered looks of dismay as well as appreciation. It seemed some felt for her while others only wished to touch her. Cool coppery eyes fixed here and there on those who would approach though their pleas were met only with a chilling silence or perhaps a glare. Men wanted to claim her, own her and parade her about whilst the other girls in the cages all seemed to crave to emulate her. It was odd, how the strutting and preening of the diminutive women all attracted a man to loose them from their burdensome cages. All that effort exerted to the end of a carbon copy of the perfect slave swinging in that very same cage not an hour later. How had she landed herself in this predicament? Trapped in the marketplace, our little heroine shifted in the heavyset confine she�d not so gladly been thrust into.

Didn�t they know who she was?

Of course they did� though to the girl�s dismay, the guards did quite the job of pretending that she was merely another little slave to be bought and sold in the endless circle of their existences. Unfortunately for her, she was not intending to be part of that boundless timeline. Oh no, she�d had things all planned out and now look where she was. Rotting in a cage like some piece of property. The iron cradle began to swing slowly in response to Falki�s listing to the side a bit. Said cage was held just at eye level by a rather sturdy chain which in turn was held tightly to the rafters of the testosterone-laden market. Luckily, there had been left some silks from the previous occupancy, out of which Falki had bothered to fashion into a nest-like form. It was in this she spent the all too chilly dessert nights, and upon it that she endured the hellish heat. Neither of these two had been a nuisance to her before though not being able to escape from either had indeed proven more than she could call a mere inconvenience. Water and fruit served once daily sustained those in the cages, as most stayed only a few days. This however was a sore substitute for sustenance, especially if one was planning on extending their stay here to nearly three months. Yes, the little honey toned girl had baked in the neatly paneled sun streaks that bothered her flesh through the slits in both the screen above her cage as well as the bars of the container itself. One would have thought that after such suffering as compared to her normal existence which was normally marked by one or more men who would attempt to coax her from the seat she�d claimed with promises of riches, unending love and a beautiful collar to wear, but these things did not at all entice our little dancer.

Oh quite the opposite.

Silent repose marked her existence for nearly two months. It was a vow taken by a livid girl, a na�ve little thing whom had been settled neatly into the cage which still harbored her now. But her mind was never too addled to bother with thinking of the man who would rescue her from all this.

The man with the strong jaw and the powerful voice
The man with the silent dominance about him
The man that she could only seem to find one place
In her daydreaming
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