Drum Music, Electronic; with Vince Schaefer Drum Music Electronic, with Recording Artist Vince Schaefer

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Übersetzung für deutschen drummers und Musik Liebhaber! Translation for German drummers and music lovers!
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Lebende Unterhaltung auf verschiedenen Aufschlag und elektronischen Meßgeräten! Live Entertainment on a variety of percussion and electronic instrumentation!

La traduction pour français parler les amants de drummers et musique! Translation for French speaking drummers and music lovers!
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Pour les français ventilateurs qui parlent de musique et drumming électroniques! For the french speaking fans of electronic music and drumming!

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¡Para el español ventiladores que hablan de la Música de Tambor Electrónica, y de la música! For the Spanish speaking fans of Drum Music Electronic, and music!

Welcome to: www.vindrums.com

Featuring : Vince Schaefer, drumming music using modern drum-set!
My career in music and drum-set playing has involved performing many styles and genres of music. I've taught high school bands, arranged and produced music for many other artists and ensembles, toured with bands, taught private lessons, and performed demonstration clinics, completed two full length solo CDs which included pictures and video clips, and made a feature 60 minute television show about my music and how it's accomplished. My musicians' resume has over 30 links to previous jobs. I play all percussion instruments and have a basic knowledge, teaching,  and performance resume with melodic percussion keyboards. I'm continuing to learn more about my electronic percussion and keyboard equipment, which has led to over four hours of performable original solo music.   

   My new music is performed completely live, using no sequencers, or pre-recorded music; no tracking, or multiple takes, no loops, or motifs, just drumming and Vince Schaefer demonstrates drumming on acoustic percussion, and e-drums! singing, through the mixer and into the amplifier.  This is my attempt to be like the  guitar or piano players that play the bars and clubs as soloists, or with a partner, a gig not normally calling for solo drummers or percussionists. The big difference is: that I drum the music, as opposed to using keyboards or guitars.   

Vince drums music using many percussion instruments, along with melodic instruments like bass, guitar, keyboard, trumpet, tuba, synth, or whatever, triggered by a controller! Currently I'm working on a new CD which features music from my solo act which I wrote and arranged. Just a little more work on the words and to the vocals, and I'll be ready to record! Some samples of those tunes taken from live performances last year can be heard on my music page. The new addition of a Digitech Vocalist to my equipment rack, will fill out and enhance my vocal performance, and is also controlled from my DrumKAT midi percussion controller.  

  • Contact me at: [email protected]

    New German, French, and Spanish 'Home' pages!

    No use of anything from this site without written permission; copyright Vince Schaefer and Common Laugh Productions 1999 - 2003 ©

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