*~Blessed Be~* 

     Greetings, and Welcome to Violytte's Page of Magick and More.  Here you'll find information relating to magick, Wicca, divination, and more!  I've also tried to include a section that comes from a "magick in every day life" point of view, so that it may be easier to relate to.  Enjoy!

"All are born, live, die and are reborn beneath The Sun and Moon; all things come to pass thereunder, and all occurs with the blessings of The One, as has been the way of existence before time was."
                                                                                            ~Scott Cunningham

Whenever you see the Witch by herself, click on her to bring you back here!

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Basics of Magick

-What is Magick?

-Is Magick Real?

-How is Magick Used?

Candles, Gems, & Herbs

* Candles *
* Gems *
* Herbs *



*~Wicca ~*

Basics of Wicca
-What is Wicca?
-Are Witches Real?
-What is a Book of Shadows?
-Is Wicca Evil?
-Are there holidays?
-Who are the Goddess and God?

The Goddess and God
* Charge of the Goddess *
* Charge of the God *
Index of Goddesses
Index of Gods

The Wiccan Rede
Law of the Power (S. Cunningham)
13 Goals of a Witch (S. Cunningham)
Principles of Belief

Special Days of the Year
*~ Esbats ~*
*~ Sabbats ~*

My Book of Shadows

   (Here you'll find some spells, sample rituals, correspondences, information about the Tarot, etc.)

A More Personal Approach

   This is just a way for me to get all my information across, but done in a more personal style than just like a text book.  This is the newest addition, therefore it may not be complete.

    Please feel free to email me with questions, comments, suggestions, or submissions.  My addy is [email protected]   I'd love to hear from you!

~ All original content on these pages copyright Violytte Skye, 1999, & 2000  This page made using "Lucinda Calligraphy" and "Comic Sans MS" fonts, best seen with Netscape Navigator, v 3 +   ~

Many of these graphics were graciously provided by:

     ~I'm relatively new at making pages, so I don't know if it's really bad to borrow somebody else's graphics.  I'm sorry if I did and it really bothers someone.  I've tried to include links to all the place I borrowed from, so that they may receive the credit, and also as links to these wonderful pages.  Again, I apologize for any faux pas on my part.~

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