

Georgie was a beautiful Australian girl, who lived happily with her mother 
and two older brothers, 
Abel (Albert in Ind) and Arthur.
She was always cheerful and energetic.
She was a little "rascal".

But one day, when she was 14 years old,
her mother told her the truth,
that she was not her daughter!!!
Her real mother told them before she died, that her father was an English prisoner. 
She left a bracelet for her baby.
When the soldiers came, the Australian family ran away with little Georgie.

The truth hit Georgie like a lightning! Her adopting mother didn't love her any more.
Mostly because both of her son loved Georgie not like brother and sister.
Georgie herself was shocked. She found out that Abel (Albert) loved her.
And Uncle Kevin, a neighbor, told her, that Arthur loved her too.
Feeling that she was no longer belonged at home, she ran away.
She decided to go to London, to look for Lowell Grey (Lou),
a nephew of the Australian governor, whom she met before,
whom she loved and loved her. And also her father.

Then began the story of pain, sadness,
but strong loves.
With artwork simply wonderful.

Would Georgie be happy
after meeting Lou in London?

There was Alice beside Lou as a fiance,
who always took good care of him, 
since he suffered illness since childhood.

Jessica, a bar girl, wanted to have Abel, so he would never have Georgie in his life.
She ordered Kenny to kill Georgie, who had changed her appearance into a boy
named Joe Batman, while she worked on the ship. Georgie saved Catherine's life.
The little girl adored her very much.

Arthur & Abel
Abel went to London right after Georgie had gone. Arthur went home to find his mother was dying. After his mother died, he went to London too. But Arthur, who once saved
Georgie's life when she was small, was trapped by evil people who gave him drugs.

Could Abel meet Georgie in London?
Could he save Arthur's life?

It was so difficult for Georgie
to choose.
Who would finally get her love?

And could she meet her real father,
that was said, lived in London?

The wind of fate blew her to here and there,
and finally she came back to Australia 
with her son.

This page is made by Maria Cristina Quattrone and Lia Cyntia.



Lia Cyntia
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