Sean: What made you want to apply for this game?
Andrew: I really enjoy playing Big Brother games. Your game sounded a lot of fun and there was a lot of people in the game that I have played with before and thought it would be good to see them again.
Sean: Without saying how far you got in the game, explain how you think you played.
Andrew: I think I played very well, I sometimes had to question myself and think if I was doing the right thing. There was a lot of people that I started to not trust in the game, but honestly I stayed true to myself and never was fake to anyone. I was a little backstabbing though.
Sean: Does the way you played the game kind of match your personality in real life?
Andrew: Yes it does, I make friends very easy in life and am an easy person to get along with.
Sean: Did anything in the first episode surprise you (i.e. Jesse Nick and Larry being involved with the other alliance to help themselves regardless of their true loyalty)?
Andrew: Yes, it did, I kind of thought Nick was a backstabber but I didn't want to believe it. I honestly couldn't believe it when I read it but, yeah, things could happen in the house.
Sean: As you know, Vanessa was a pretty inactive participator. Do you possibly regret evicting her because you could maybe use her vote to help you out?
Andrew: Yes I do, I loved Vanessa, she and I are good friends, but my alliance had to come first at that time. I wish i would have kept Vanessa instead of Sadie.
Sean: Now that the game is over, is everyone getting along?
Andrew: I really haven't talked to some people that were in the game. Some of them I really didn't like in the game so I never will talk to them again, but besides that yes everything is pretty good. I like talking to those who were in my alliance.
Sean: In week 1 (please don't think outside of week 1) were you hesitant in joining Kewwey?
Andrew: A little, I wasn't sure if i could have trusted those people that were in it with me, but some in there, I trusted before the word alliance was spoken
Sean: Finally, tell us a little bit about yourself. Try to be a little more indepth and give some little known facts about you.
Andrew: Well, me and Marissa are now together. I am a very athletic person. I enjoy reading a lot more since I left the house. I have around 20 cats, and they all have names, and 4 dogs and many more pets. I am planing on going to school to be a CSI agent and go to college at John Jay Criminal Justice School in New York City

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