Sure You Can Stomach This?


What's Next?

The next obvious group of tissues to tackle is the intestines and all other organs which are attached for the ride.

1. Sever the intestines from the body as far down as possible on the colon.

2. If you want to preserve the rectum and colon, it may be beneficial if you simply cut the skin around the anus.

3. Free the intestines from any fatty anchors until you reach the stomach.

4. The caudate lobes of the liver are going to beon the lateral sides of the stomach. Careful cutting of the connective tissue is required to leave the liver intact.

5. Cut the esophagus directly above the stomach in the abdominal cavity, leaving 0.25-0.5 cm of esophagus left connected to the stomach. At this point the whole kit and kaboodle can be removed from the abdominal cavity.




Starting at the rectum/colon, unzip the coiled intestines by pulling gently, using your scissors for help whenever you feel it is necessary . As you do so, check the surface of the intestines for enlarged Peyer's patches.There are many different parts of the intestine. Unfortunatly the large majority of them cannot be differentiated from each other grossly.


1.At one point, the ease at which the intestines can be pulled apart will change as you hit the pancreas. The pancreas is tan in color and can be easily identifiable from the surrounding fat. First cut the stomach away at the duodenal junction and remove the spleen, placing the spleen in preservative.

2. Cut a section of the small intestine the pancreas is attached to, using the intestine as a handle.

3. Spread the pancreas out flat on a piece of paper towel. Within the tissue, lies the pancreatic lymph nodes, identifiable only if enlarged.

4. And once again, place the piece of paper in formalin.


If you wish to inflate the stomach...

1.Fill your syringe with your preservative and insert it into the duodenal junction.

2. Inject the fixative as you hold the needle in place with forceps.

3.On removing the syringe, some leakage may occur but the majority of it will remain in the stomach.

Fixation and Trimming Protocol for Stomach

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Site designed, written, and selected pictures illustrated by Erin Parsoneault, inspired by D.E.Devor-Henneman, and edited/mentored byDr. J.M.Ward
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