Mark Carter

244 Madison Avenue

Ste. 103

New York, NY 10016

Tuesday, December 31, 1996 - 5:29:35 PM

Ava Maria Gordon

Dear Ava:

This letter is in response to your request for a formal divorce. I apologize for the fact that it has taken me almost seven years to understand how unpleasant, difficult, and distasteful this marriage has been for you from the start.

Of course as always I wish you�d reconsider your actions and consider any alternatives which we have not explored yet so that we may avoid this course of action.

However, based on your request for departure from this arrangement and on your request that certain items be transferred to you in an acknowledged fashion bellow please find a list of these items. I see no need to list you personal items which you had prior to our marriage. As I have said before, please feel free to leave any items you choose to (which are on this list) at the house. You will find them there when and if you choose to return. You are welcome to return and stay or simply pick up any items which you have left for storage. I believe that it is a safer cleaner environment than one found in a storage facility.

As you will not be able to continue and care for the dogs, I will make arrangements that whenever I am out of town for a longer period of time someone will come by and ensure that they are all right. Since you have done such a wonderful job training and caring for them, and even though you have expressed your disinterest in ever seeing them again, please accept an open ended invitation to stop by and visit them at any time you wish to do so. They have come to love both of us and it would be unfair to them to deny them the presence of either one of us. Please note that if you so wish I will make arrangements to stay at the motel in town when you are visiting provided you notify me in advance. Please note that this invitation is extended to you and you alone. No other party (human or otherwise) is allowed on the property or near the dogs without prior written permission from myself. This of course excludes the event of any future children you may have, under the age of 19. Since I will be alone, arrangements will be made for my parents to take care of them in the event of my death. The property will also become theirs. In the even that you leave a forwarding address I will make arrangements that you are notified if the property is to be sold in which case you will be given half of the net proceeds.

Since you have expressed your desire to leave the state and move to Arizona, as per your request I will place in your name the northern half of the North Dakota property. This piece as far as we both know at this point in time covers the area north of the line of trees located north of the water hole. The area south of the line of trees north of the water hole which includes the two barns, the house, the south lawn, and the water hole is to remain in my name due to the fact that you have expressed great distaste for the house, its condition, and the amount of time involved in renovating such an old house. I will pay the tax which is now due for the entire property. I will also make arrangements with the county clerks office for you to receive the next tax bill provided you choose to leave a forwarding address. If you do not provide at least a mail box, all mail addressed to your name will be forwarded to the Madison Avenue address where I will ensure that you continue to have access for as long as I own the mail stop.

Dodge caravan - purchased for your use. Even though the vehicle was damaged, it is now after repairs usable. It does require a tune-up before it is road worthy. You may sell it yourself or place it under my care for selling. Again, provided you leave a forwarding address the proceeds will be forwarded to you as soon as the sale is concluded.

Lincoln Town Car - The vehicle was purchased several years ago and it does have a considerable amount of miles, however since the purchase of the pickup I no longer require the use of the Lincoln. Please note that the vehicle can not be driven unless a tune-up is performed. You may sell it yourself or place it under my care for selling. Again, provided you leave a forwarding address the proceeds will be forwarded to you as soon as the sale is concluded.

Stereo equipment in your bedroom - the radio, 5 disk CD, speakers, CDs, and the rest of the audio entertainment equipment in your bedroom.

Computer equipment in your bedroom - this is to include the PC, speakers, monitor, and all the computer equipment which you currently have and use in your bedroom. This is also to include the two printers in which you have expressed interest (The HP IIP and the Epson tractor feed dot matrix).

The use of one credit card with a balance of 6K+ . You may use this card at no cost to you. The minimum balance will be paid by myself.

Please let me know what to tell anyone looking for you. In the past you have asked me to tell anyone asking that I am not aware of your location. In the event that you wish to leave a forwarding address for the above mentioned reasons, please let me know if this also applies to family or other people looking for you.

One last item. This is not a formal letter nor is it a lawyer approved latter. As a matter of fact I don�t even think it would be admissible in court. It is for you so that you may try and understand my position. I do not want you to be harmed in this process nor do I wish for you to leave this arrangement without any financial support until you are able to get a job and an apartment in your new town. In view of the fact that your departure is based on my financial position at this time please consider this fact when using the card.

A final note; If you do decide to take this action please perform this activity in a state where there is no need to go to court for either one of us. From the information you have provided me regarding divorce it seems that the cost should be under $200 for the uncontested legal action. And as long as the boundaries of this letter are not crossed I will not contest your decision to apply for one.


PS: I will sign a copy of this letter and deliver it to you when I see you next. From our last conversation I believe you are about to take irrational actions which may quite easily leave both you and I with nothing and in deeper debt than I already am.

Oh yes, regarding the debt accumulated up to this point, I will assume responsibility for the entire debt and will continue to pay it.



Mark Carter







Mark Carter

244 Madison Avenue

Ste. 103

New York, NY 10016

Thursday, February 27, 1997


Mark Carter AKA Calin Nicolae Popa


Dear Mark:



It is unfortunate that events have culminated in divorce, but the case is such that I have witnessed patterns of your behavior that lead me to believe that no other alternative exists. I have already exhausted every option available to me in efforts to compromise with you, therefore, termination of this marriage appears to be the only sensible solution. The following information serves to provide a response to your letter (excerpts are in italics):



As I have said before, please feel free to leave any items you choose to (which are on this list) at the house. You will find them there when and if you choose to return. You are welcome to return and stay or simply pick up any items which you have left for storage. I believe that it is a safer cleaner environment than one found in a storage facility


Note that after your outburst concerning the ownership of the house, I do not feel compelled to enter your home at any point subsequent to a divorce. Since you have also chosen to disregard any suggestions I have made throughout the years to make our living environment either safe or breathable, it should not be surprising to you that I would prefer to store any goods belonging to me in a "clean", "safe" storage facility.


As you will not be able to continue and care for the dogs, I will make arrangements that whenever I am out of town for a longer period of time someone will come by and ensure that they are all right. Since you have done such a wonderful job training and caring for them, and even though you have expressed your disinterest in ever seeing them again, please accept an open ended invitation to stop by and visit them at any time you wish to do so. They have come to love both of us and it would be unfair to them to deny them the presence of either one of us. Please note that if you so wish I will make arrangements to stay at the motel in town when you are visiting provided you notify me in advance. Please note that this invitation is extended to you and you alone. No other party (human or otherwise) is allowed on the property or near the dogs without prior written permission from myself. This of course excludes the event of any future children you may have, under the age of 19.


With regard to the two dogs, I would like to state that I have never expressed any desire to sever contact with them. Since the case is such that my financial situation is, and quite likely always will be, as a result of your extravagance with my savings, one in which the cost of providing them with a proper home will be far beyond my means, I can only hope that you surrender them to a good home for the remainder of their lives. It is clear that you are incapable of providing a good home for them based on the type of decisions you have made regarding their welfare.


Regarding the distribution of assets, I am in full agreement that items belonging to each of us prior to the marriage arrangement should remain so. You are also welcome to the following items which have been purchased throughout the marriage:


Automobiles: Lincoln Town Car, Dodge Caravan, Ford F-150 Pickup

Appliances: Refrigerator, Microwave, Television set, small appliances

Audio Equipment: Speakers, Portable radio

Sports Equipment: Ping Pong Table, Exercise Rider

Surplus chairs which were purchased by you for the house

Computer Textbooks

Snow Blower




Since you have expressed your desire to leave the state and move to Arizona, as per your request I will place in your name the northern half of the North Dakota property. This piece as far as we both know at this point in time covers the area north of the line of trees located north of the water hole. The area south of the line of trees north of the water hole which includes the two barns, the house, the south lawn, and the water hole is to remain in my name due to the fact that you have expressed great distaste for the house, its condition, and the amount of time involved in renovating such an old house. I will pay the tax which is now due for the entire property. I will also make arrangements with the county clerks office for you to receive the next tax bill provided you choose to leave a forwarding address. If you do not provide at least a mail box, all mail addressed to your name will be forwarded to the Madison Avenue address where I will ensure that you continue to have access for as long as I own the mail stop.


With regard to the northern half of the property in North Dakota, I will sign the appropriate papers to transfer ownership before I leave the state. Note that it was apparent, prior to the purchase of the property, that the house was in need of major repairs which would either meet or exceed the costs of a reasonably priced new home. It was our agreement that a new home would be placed on the site. As always, you proceeded to make new plans without consulting me and, inevitably, thanks to your self-centered idiocy and inability to finish anything that you begin, the house is in shambles and unsafe to live in. Since you chose to renege on your agreement to shop around for a second home in Arizona for our retirement, an agreement which was made prior to our arrival in North Dakota (Prior to you going Totally Berserk), I myself will make efforts to save money in any state.


Dodge caravan - purchased for your use. Even though the vehicle was damaged, it is now after repairs usable. It does require a tune-up before it is road worthy. You may sell it yourself or place it under my care for selling. Again, provided you leave a forwarding address the proceeds will be forwarded to you as soon as the sale is concluded.


This vehicle was actually purchased in order facilitate the transport of the dogs since you were reluctant to make your initial purchase a vehicle that would benefit ALL of us, and instead opted for a brand new pickup truck that was far beyond our means and only suited your own tastes.



Lincoln Town Car - The vehicle was purchased several years ago and it does have a considerable amount of miles, however since the purchase of the pickup I no longer require the use of the Lincoln. Please note that the vehicle can not be driven unless a tune-up is performed. You may sell it yourself or place it under my care for selling. Again, provided you leave a forwarding address the proceeds will be forwarded to you as soon as the sale is concluded.


This car was purchased against my wishes and, therefore, you are welcome to have a car that requires, and has always required, costly maintenance and served no purpose other than to assuage your ego despite our financial circumstances.



Stereo equipment in your bedroom - the radio, 5 disk CD, speakers, CDs, and the rest of the audio entertainment equipment in your bedroom.


Outside of a few CD's that were purchased for my own enjoyment, you are welcome to all of the audio equipment.


Computer equipment in your bedroom - this is to include the PC, speakers, monitor, and all the computer equipment which you currently have and use in your bedroom. This is also to include the two printers in which you have expressed interest (The HP 550c and the Epson tractor feed dot matrix).


In addition, I would like to have one of the backup mechanisms and all relevant software.



The use of one credit card with a balance of 6K+ . You may use this card at no cost to you. The minimum balance will be paid by myself.


Since you have stated that a balance of 6K will be available to me each year for five years, it is my request that this be noted in writing so at to avoid any confusion in the future.



Please let me know what to tell anyone looking for you. In the past you have asked me to tell anyone asking that I am not aware of your location. In the event that you wish to leave a forwarding address for the above mentioned reasons, please let me know if this also applies to family or other people looking for you.


With regard to a forwarding address for "family" or "other people" looking for me, let it be noted that I have already informed the authorities about harassment by my family members, and therefore, I request that you do the same in the event that any of them continue to make contact with you. Although, I doubt that anyone else will question my whereabouts, I will see that you are provided with a mailing address for the next five years to be given out only to non-family members. As a side note, you are well aware of the fact that children will never be a part of my life because I would never raise MY children around assholes like the ones that I have met in life (you knew this even prior to our marriage), therefore, you will never have to expect any contact from the "future children" you mentioned in your letter.



One last item. This is not a formal letter nor is it a lawyer approved latter. As a matter of fact I don�t even think it would be admissible in court. It is for you so that you may try and understand my position. I do not want you to be harmed in this process nor do I wish for you to leave this arrangement without any financial support until you are able to get a job and an apartment in your new town. In view of the fact that your departure is based on my financial position at this time please consider this fact when using the card.


It is amusing that you feign interest in the circumstances of my life when you have insisted that I reside in either a cesspool or a pig sty for the past seven years as a consequence of being married to you. You have left us without savings on numerous occasions and then stated that you saw no real "need" to ever save money. Evidently, the goals that you claim we shared were just elements of your imagination since you were never willing to save money toward reaching them due to their inherent lack of immediate gratification.



A final note; If you do decide to take this action please perform this activity in a state where there is no need to go to court for either one of us. From the information you have provided me regarding divorce it seems that the cost should be under $200 for the uncontested legal action. And as long as the boundaries of this letter are not crossed I will not contest your decision to apply for one.


I will do my best to accommodate your request for an inexpensive divorce, although I find it odd that funds are always readily available for your own needs.



Oh yes, regarding the debt accumulated up to this point, I will assume responsibility for the entire debt and will continue to pay it.


I do, indeed, wish you the best of luck in your life despite your need to spend far beyond your means. It is my hope that you seek some type of debt counseling before entering into a new relationship because, unbeknownst to you, it carries with it many responsibilities, and in the event that you should ever have children, I hope that you will display more strength of character and provide for them properly.






A. Gordon


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