WHY PRIESTS SHOULD WED (1894) An excellent book written by Justin D. Fulton D.D. "While it contains appalling revelations, uncovering, as it does, the existence of abominable practices and horrid iniquities, yet the manner of presenting them is so skillful and Chrisitan, and the form of expression so eminently chaste, that no offence is given to the most fastidious reader; the only feelings aroused being those of loathing and indignation for the evils and a desire to move at once for their correction and suppression."

SLAVES OF THE GODSMITH (1914) From the author of the anticatholic newspaper, The Menace. This author holds no punches and readily exposes the dangers of Roman Catholicism to the freedoms of our country. This author has gone undercover to convents to help rescue captive nuns. Extraordinary book and well worth reading!

THIRTY YEARS IN HELL:FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT (1904) This book is awesome!!! It is the testimony of one ex-priest who wrote this book as a priest in good standing with the church. This book is as true today as it was yesterday and well describes the ignorance and superstition of the "Scarlet-robed hag of Rome". Enjoy!!!

VATICAN AND WORLD POLITICS This book is a must read for all students of history!

MIRROR OF THE CLERGY This is an old German book, written by Otto Von Corvin, first published in 1845 with 7 reprints, the latest in 1885. It was ordered off the market by court order in 1927 and again in 1934, but the order was overturned and the book was allowed to be printed. No reprint has been published to my knowledge. Horst Jaeger has been kind enough to take upon himself the task of translating it from German into English. We deeply appreciate the time and effort he has put into this work. According to Mr. Jaeger, this book remains on the hit list of the Vatican. We thank Jesus he has provided this opportunity to offer a piece of history to our readers.

THE WITCHCRAFT TRIALS This old German book, written by B. Emil König, has been translated by Horst Jaeger. We offer our deepest regards and heartfelt thanks for all the hard work Mr. Jaeger has put into this. We pray Jesus Christ, our God and Savior, bless him in this work.

HOW I BECAME A NON-CATHOLIC This book was written in 1910 by John Hunky. We hope to scan the whole book eventually. Till then, enjoy reading John's reasons for leaving Catholicism

THE PAPACY AND CIVIL POWER By R.W.Thompson. PREFACE: "IT has seemed to me, for a longtime, that it was the duty of the people of the United States to make themselves familiar with the history of the papacy, its relations to the civil power, and its attempted encroachments upon the rights of existing governments. This conviction caused me to enter upon the investigations which have resulted in the preparation of this volume-mainly for self edification and if the conclusions I have reached are not satisfactory to others, I shall be content if they are stimulated to make like investigations for themselves."


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