Personal Checkbook Advantage


Personal Checkbook Advantage works just like a checkbook register. It was developed as an alternative to other freeware that just didn't quite cut it. Also, many people do not write checks any more and the checkbook register has become cumbersome having to handwrite all transactions. This application is user-friendly and designed to quickly add transactions into your register. It also helps you balance your register with your bank statement. No more adding up what hasn't been cleared. The Register Screen shows you the cleared and "uncleared” bank balance. As a plus, the application keeps track of spending habits by setting categories to each transaction.



The requirements are minimal.  I recommend at least having 200 MB available on your hard drive. If you’re not sure how much space you have on your hard drive, chances are you have plenty, so don’t worry about it.

Your screen resolution must be set at 1024x768 or higher.


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If it doesn't work, email me at [email protected] and I'll send you my paypal email address to which you can send money.

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Current version: 1.27


Full Installation Instructions – If updating, you may still use this process or see “Update Instructions” below

1.       Download the zip file below.

2.       Extract the files into a temporary directory.

3.       Run setup.exe and follow the instructions.


Click Here To Download Personal Checkbook Advantage (


Update Instructions

1.       Download the zip file below.

2.       Extract all files to your installation directory (normally c:\program files\pca)


Click Here To Download Personal Checkbook Advantage Update (




Version 1.27:

1.       Fixed backup and restore functions on Vista computers.

2.       Added ability to sort by Cleared Status.


Version 1.24:

1.       Corrected an issue with the payee field stretching really wide.

2.       Corrected a recurring transaction issue in which if the next due date was invalid, it was set to never occur again. Now, it will set the date to the closest available date. For example, if you had a recurring transaction that occured on the 30th of every month, since February 30th is not a valid date, the application reset the transaction and it would no longer occur.

3.       Changed the order of the Payee Graph and the Category Graph. Deposits are now grouped at the top, followed by Debits.

4.       Based on several suggestions, I purchased a domain name It just forwards to this page. But it's easier to remember than the geocities address.


Version 1.23:

1.       Added daily and monthly graphs to the category and payee graph screens.


Version 1.22:

1.       Added ability to copy the payees and categories from one account to another.  You can open this screen from the Accounts scrren.

2.       Fixed an error that made the application quit if you hit F2 when editing certain fields in the register screen.


Version 1.21:

1.       Added a search feature to the Register Screen.  You can search by up to 2 different criteria.  You can choose to go to a transaction in the search list.

2.       Added ability to print the category and payee graphs.

3.       Added calendar input to the dates.  Just press c to open the calendar.

4.       Added ability to make a recurring transaction from the Register Screen.

5.       Added payee details to hold additional information for a payee, such as address, phone, website address, and email address.

6.       Added ability to print an envelope for a selected payee.


Version 1.20:

1.       Expanded Payee and Category fields to hold 62 characters now (they were 42 and 22 respectively).

2.       Expanded numeric fields (credit, debit, initial balance) to hold more characters.  This was to accommodate foreign countries.

3.       The calendar on the main background screen can be moved.

4.       The “Check #” columns now behaves more like the “Category” and the “Payee” columns; it has quick entry so your common entries will be consistent.

5.       Added an option to Auto-Stretch columns in the registry screen.  When your cursor is in the Payee or the Category column, the column will auto-stretch to see the largest entry.  When you leave the column, it will stretch back to its original size.  By default, this option is turned on; you may turn it off in the User Preferences Screen.


Version 1.19:

1.       Fixed importing QIF files – some dates weren’t importing.

2.       When sorting by check number, it is now in numerical order instead of alpha order.


Version 1.18:

1.       Added ability to import QIF files.


Version 1.17:

1.       Fixed an error where the help files got corrupted some how.


Version 1.16:

1.       Fixed the error when clicking on the “Sort Transactions” button in the Register Screen.


Version 1.15:

1.       Fixed an issue with recurring transactions when you have multiple accounts.  The application thought there were recurring transactions even though they were actually for a different account.

2.       Added password protection for each account.  See the Account Screen Help for more information.

3.       Added backup and restore capabilities.

4.       Added a way to delete transactions between a range of dates.

5.       Added a place on the Accounts Screen for the beginning balance so you don’t have to add a transaction for this.

6.       Changed the appearance of the toolbar.  If you now dock it to the left or right side of the screen, it behaves better.  All the buttons are now grouped.


Version 1.14:

1.       Fixed the cleared bank balance on the register report when you choose to run the report between specific dates.


Version 1.13:

1.       No update – I’m superstitious that way.


Version 1.12:

1.       Fixed problem when entering categories or payees.  Previously, if you had more than one account, the category or payee entered may have linked to a different account.

2.       Fixed problem when preferences were set to automatically add category or payee with no interruption.  Previously, the new category or payee would not show up in the box if you needed to enter it again right away.

3.       On the register report if you chose to show all entries between certain dates, it will now show the cleared bank balance at the end of the report.  Previously, this did not show.

4.       Columns may now be ordered however you want them ordered.  For example: if you don’t use the tax part of the program, then move it out of the way so you don’t have to tab over it.  The program will remember how you set the columns when you come back to that screen.

5.       Recurring transactions were not behaving correctly if you did not open the program for a few months.  For example, if you chose a monthly recurring transaction and waited 6 months to open the application again, only the 1st, 3rd, and 5th transactions would get entered.  This has been fixed.


Version 1.11:

1.       Fixed Payee and Category graphs to only show the top 50 payees/categories.  Before this version, they still showed all entries.


Version 1.09:

1.       Fixed Payee and Category entries error that occurred when you add a space after a name that already exists.


Version 1.08:

1.       Changed the name of a windows registry entry so as not to conflict with other programs (rare problem when first setting up the application).


Version 1.07:

1.       Updates won’t overwrite your existing data.


Version 1.06:

1.       Updated help screens.

2.       If you move or copy the program to a different directory, the program will now use the data from the “Data” directory that’s in the same folder as the Application File (pca.exe).  Before this version, other copies of the program would use the same data as the original location.


Version 1.05:

1.       Updated help screens.


Version 1.04:

1.       Added option to sort transactions within a date in your register.  Very helpful if you have many transactions on a single date and you want to group them.


Version 1.03:

1.       Added option to turn off the automatic filling in the payment amount when entering a payee into the register screen.

2.       Cleared transactions are now locked from being accidentally edited.  In order to edit them, you will have to unclear the transaction first.

3.       Changed the default sort order of the transactions so that within one date, deposits are listed first followed by payments.


Version 1.02:

1.       Fixed the error you get when opening the Category Graph Screen.

2.       Added recurring transactions.

3.       Added a background form that opens with the application as a helper screen.


Version 1.01:

1.       Fixed a major problem when you have more than 1 account.

a.       When adding registry entries, it sometimes would change accounts and add into the wrong account than what you expect.



You may email me at [email protected] with any questions / comments / requests.




Checkbook Register Screen:




Category Graph Screen:


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